Confusion, incoherence, close to collapse: a psychopath in power.

 In my long life, always having a keen interest in global happenings, I’ve never observed so much global turmoil, political, economic, and ecological as today. 

Yes, I should add religious as well. In my opinion, the real message of Revelation, the last Bible book, is that ‘Everything becomes what it is’. The effects of the Enlightenment, which brought new thinking, and reshaped the way people understood issues such as liberty, equality, and individual rights, have worn off. Now the true human nature is being revealed, acutely evident in US politics, and increasingly also in the Western World where the swing toward authoritarian attitudes, in recent elections, indicates that people want easy answers to complicated, and basically insolvable issues. 

Frankly, we have painted ourselves in a corner. 

We have avoided dealing with the giant in the room, Climate Change, now rapidly accelerating, and there is nothing we can do anymore to stop this phenomenon. We just went through a La Nina weather event, always a time when global temperatures decrease. Not this time, an ominous sign. Now we are on the verge of a El Nino event: brace yourself. 


The Arctic is warming at four times the global average, and glaciers across the world are shrinking rapidly. As they melt, together with polar ice, more methane is released, creating a positive feedback loop—where warming melts glaciers, releasing methane, this in turn traps more heat in the atmosphere and accelerates further melting. More Global Heat brings, in the Western World, more air conditioning, resulting in more pollution, and the cycle accelerates. 

Then there are wars.

If all else fails, fight. If anything causes more weather turmoil, it is war. Trump alone, in his arrogance, poses an ultra-danger for the world through his authoritarian edict to abolish all precautionary practises to lessen the elects of Climate Change.

My obsession?

I know, sorry, this has become not quite an obsession with me, but certainly something that occupies my mind almost every day. Trump has ordered that no mention ought to be made of Climate Change. Ignoring it, will only cause more surprises.

Back to total extinction, something we now face.

This past week I read somewhere that when the Parousia, Christ’s Return, happens, all creatures, humans – you, I and all our loved ones – plus all animals, as they too need oxygen continuously, will be, globally, deprived, of that necessary ingredient, and cease to exist within a few minutes. 

Then, no more life, followed by the Great Clean-up.


I am not alone in this. For the last few weeks, ARCTIC NEWS, a website devoted to conditions on both of earth’s extreme top and bottom, the North and South Poles, has started a daily string of news items, devoted to – yes – the end of the world as we have fashioned her. 

I remember the year 2,000 when I was at COP 5, held in The Hague, the Netherlands. I then wrote a weekly column for the Belleville, ON based The Intelligencer. Then already the Inuit – the Arctic based indigenous representation – effectively showed how the temperatures in their home region, were far higher than normal, while just this past week New Orleans on the Gulf of Mexico, had freezing temperatures: something unheard of there.

A possible scenario.

I have tried to imagine how a sudden change in the world’s air chemistry, could happen. Today, we need oxygen in ever greater quantities. I think that ‘hydrogen bombs’ could be the catalyst: their need for oxygen to fully ignite, could well cause both the final conflagration, while sucking in the world’s total oxygen supply.

I translated J. H. Bavinck’s book on Revelation, published under the title: And On and On the Ages Roll. Dr. Bavinck suggests this also. 


Well, it looks like the endgame. With Trump in the saddle, anything can happen. He would rather destroy the world, then admit that he is a loser. Yes, the hydrogen way of war is MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction. In this mad, mad world, the impossible is now possible.

When God caused The Flood and gave Noah the chance to start a new humanity, God vouched never to do this again, fully well knowing that this time WE would do the job.

With a madman in charge, and the rest of the world basically leaderless, with the hope of stopping Climate Change disappearing – in spite of unrealistic, optimistic, talk – the impossible now seems possible.

But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. (2 Peter 3: 10)

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More than one kind?

Well, I am in a generous mood. Why limit an earthquake to a terrestrial upheaval?

I believe that any event that is ‘earth-shaking’ resembles an earthquake, so I have chosen three fields that, in my opinion, qualify:                                       

  • AI

Reading the Bible, I have repeatedly seen a reference to ‘earth-quakes’. Take that terrible chapter Matthew 24, where Jesus outlines the very times we now, anno 2025, experience. There it says in verse 7: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” 

Well, that sounds familiar, doesn’t it. The great divider, the ‘warmonger’ now dictating from the White House, has caused, by his distorted vision of the world, to speed up the implementation of this text. (Awkward wording, but so what!) Luke 21: 11 simply confirms this: “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven,” adding a COVID-like event to the mix as well as more and stronger hurricanes. 

I know that Revelation, the last Bible book, is never shy in outlining the worst: “At that very hour there was a severe earthquake and a tenth of the city collapsed. Seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the survivors were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.”

I have noticed that there are a lot of earth-rumblings out there in the tortured upper crust of our habitat. Does the above text from Revelation 11: 13 indicate the imminent implosion of a densely populated area of the Western World? The BIG one? L. A. California? 

We all agree that today anything ‘bad’ is possible. 

Donald Trump acts anti-Christian.

What really irks me no end, is Trump’s total disregard for any ‘scientific’ findings concerning Climate Change: he purposely enhances the conditions that cause it. I wonder whether this amounts to ‘the sin against the Holy Spirit’. In Genesis 1 it says that the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. It seems to me that this implies that God’s Spirit was instrumental in creating, while Trump and his plutocrats are doing the opposite. You may recall that there is no forgiveness for ‘sins against the Holy Spirit’: Good thing I am not God.

Then there is the economy. 

Another lesson of history is that it is often circular. The Dirty Thirties brought Hitler and the Nazi Regime, now almost 100 years ago, and with it the deaths of scores of millions, including 6 million Jews.

The return of Mr. Trump and the rise of the European far right seem to suggest that the lessons of history are not being learned. Where is another Churchill when we need one? 

Yesterday’s Jews under Hitler – 1932 till 1945 – are now the poor Gaza occupants: how callous, how cruel, how criminal, how capitalistic is Trump’s intention to displace these people to make it another Riviera, with Trump Hotels and Trump-run Towers. How cruel, how criminal, how capitalistic is Trump and Netanyahu’s treatment of these Arabs.  It purely smacks of Old Testament justice – 1 Samuel 15 – when King Saul was required by God: ‘Go and completely destroy those wicked people, the Amalekites; wage war against them until you have wiped them out.’ 

But we no longer live in the pre-Jesus times. Now LOVE is the driving factor. Jesus has come, and will come again.

Yes, the economy.

Today the dangers to the economy are acute and imminent: Climate Change is God’s answer to our continuously expanding greed, our insatiable need for more and more minerals, to the point where shortages of all sorts, threaten to stop our free ride exploiting God’s treasures and put the world economy in reverse. That means INFLATION, big time. Add a growing world population, more people gaining a better standard of living, while supplies of cereals are constantly threatened by unfavorable weather conditions – too hot, too cold, too much water, not enough moisture – and it does not take much to make food more costly.

Add Trump’s adventurous tariff impositions, and the precious economic equilibrium, now so carefully crafted, will throw a wrench in the world’s financial system, depending on stability.

AI = Artificial Intelligence

Let me be short. I compare AI to THE TOWER OF BABEL, an attempt to ‘be like God’. It is the pinnacle of human endeavor, always present in the entire human history, a constant effort to replace God’s perfect wisdom with human know-how – fallible and ultimate imperfect – aiming to equal God. 

“He who sits in heaven, laughs.” (Psalm 2: 4) 


The Greek word Hubris comes to mind, which means: conceit, conceitedness, haughtiness, pride, vanity, self-importance, self-conceit, pomposity,  feeling of superiority.

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Christianity is not a religion, even though, over the years, it has been called this. 

Here is what makes religion ‘religion’: A religion has rites, a religion has buildings, a religion has functionaries, a religion resembles the army, where a general compares to a pope, colonels to cardinals, officers to priests, soldiers to laypeople. 

Is the church really similar to an army?

Well, religion has songs celebrating its aim, such as: “Like a mighty army moves the church of God”. And the equally unbiblical: Stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross, or, Onward Christian Soldiers. Really?

In essence, today’s Christian religion resembles more the Old Testament than the New. Religion has official feast days, just like the good Old Testament times, when everything was stipulated, and we knew exactly what to do, and when and where. Also compare how Religion has prescribed vestments, for instance: the Pope wears white, the cardinals red. Usually the Protestant clergy are dressed in black. For a reason?

New Testament Christianity has none of that. 

The adoption of Old Testament rituals leaves the impression that observing some rules will earn salvation. Old Testament rules mangle the Message. Look at Jesus, God’s Son. He dressed as a common citizen: nothing distinguished him in appearance. Certainly, no clerical collar. 

And then there is Jesus’ very final act. Mark 15: 37-38 tells us that when “Jesus with a loud cry breathed his last, the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.” Just imagine, just picture the scene, and connect it to John 3: 16which tells us that the reason for his death, was not that we, poor sinners would be saved, but that creation, the cosmos, the animals, the trees, the entire human race would be restored to Paradise Prime! Jesus in a cry of acute agony visualized how the church would degenerate into a pietistic portrait of non-relevance, many shamelessly adoring the Trump cohort whose devilish conduct is bent to destroy the cosmos for whose total regeneration, Jesus Christ gave his life. 

Yes, Christianity today, basically, is a continuation of the Old Testament church, and when Jesus objected, when he went against the established rules, the then church killed him.

What then is “Christianity?”

 How can I word that? How can I make that convincing? How can I get that across? First: Christianity is a constant struggle, because Christianity has no fixed rules, because Christianity always is exploratory. 

The basic message of Revelation.

The basic message of Revelation, and thus of Christianity, is that “Everything becomes what it is”. That is its ‘lesson’. All truths and lies will be exposed. Trump’s traumatic attempts to rule the economic world, will backfire, because his opponent here is God/Jesus. 

Colossians 1: 15-20, places special emphasis on Ta Panta: All Things. Since God created ‘all things’, then, as a matter of consistency, ‘All things are holy’. Karen Armstrong, with her book, Sacred Nature, shows this clearly. 

The world is becoming a dangerous place. The latest readings from the “Doomsday Clock”, which notionally measures proximity to global catastrophe, suggest that it is now at 89 seconds to midnight, the closest it has ever been to the theoretical point of annihilation.

The reasons are familiar: the risk of nuclear war, pandemics, disinformation, new technologies. Perceptions that the world is spinning out of control are heightened by environmental and health disasters like the recent Los Angeles wildfires,  outbreaks of Ebola and other lethal, infectious diseases. 

Animals too, look forward to the New World.

When Jonah went to Nineveh, God expressed special concern for the many animals there. Today the Die-off of wild creatures is rapidly accelerating. Look at the North/South Poles where polar bears, seals, penguins, will soon disappear, due to Global Heating. God made them. God loves them. 

So, what is Christianity?

Christianity is NOT a religion. Christianity is ‘a way of life’. Religion separates soul from body, but God is in the midst of everything. Religion has heaven at its goal, pure pagan preaching. Jesus tells us that ‘the meek will inherit the earth’, those who claim little or nothing. We want everything. 

Our bonds with the earth are so strong that we cannot imagine existing apart from the earth. We await Paradise, a Paradise with Jesus. Paradise is the unspoiled world where the total harmony of all creatures entwines everything into intimate cohesion. Paradise is the KINGDOM as seen by God on the morning of creation, when he saw all he had made, and concluded, ‘it was very good’. 

When Jesus taught us to pray, “Your kingdom come”, that’s what He had in mind. That’s why Christianity is NOT a religion: It is a Way of Life, simulating the perfect creation to come.

To me the Bible/Jesus tells me so: John 10:10: I, Jesus, have come to bring LIFE -24/7 – and that to the full. Live life. All the time, Live LOVE, as God loved the world. Loving Creation in all her aspects, including humans, of course, in all her expressions. and trying to care for their welfare is equivalent to “Praying without ceasing”. (1 Thessalonians 5:17): That’s what Christianity is all about.

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Parousia, the Coming of the Lord, will be a total surprise.

Fifty Years ago.

I did some soul searching this past week. Fifty years ago, January 1975, I made a radical decision: I decided to leave our comfortable 2,000 square feet, home with built-in office, in St, Catharines, Ontario, located on a major city thoroughfare, and move away. This also entailed selling my General Insurance business, surrendering my Real Estate Brokerage, intending to relocate some 300 km east, halfway between Toronto and Ottawa, with the intention to join a ‘Christian’ community there. 

It was my decision, mine only (male dominance at work): My wife and my five children were hardly consulted in the matter, the oldest already in university. I did give hints: I do remember that my wife and I visited there before moving.


Several reasons, one, being disaffected with my minister, who later left the denomination. He wanted to apply church censure to me, because I had refused to send my children to Catechism, disagreeing with his right-wing views. Also, after 20 years of selling insurance, I was fed up with the increasing detail work. Then my excellent secretary left. 

Then, as now, the times were testing, with the global upheaval of the early 1970s, with wars raging from the Middle East to Vietnam, and an oil crisis looming: an era of tension and uncertainty. 

There were spiritual reasons as well. In 1975, I was an idealist. I imagine I also was naïve, perhaps stupid to leave good security to face uncertainty, not having any manual skills, yet set out to build an energy-efficient home, passive solar, intending to live closer to ‘nature’ within a group of dedicated, though unconventional Christians, all of similar Dutch Reformed Christian background, well educated, 2 having been school principals.

That small group had earlier acquired a 200-acres working farm in Tweed, Ontario, and I bought 50 acres from them. I also promised them $10,000 to kickstart a communal enterprise. 

Why: again. 

Well, in early 1972 I had submitted a 5,000 words article to the Real Estate Institute of Canada JOURNAL. Every year it held a contest selecting the best article related to Real Estate, for publication in their Journal, offering a substantial money prize and a free trip to their annual convention, that year held in Vancouver. My article was entitled, THE CITY KEY TO SURVIVAL, an Essay on Ecology and Urban Living. To my great surprise, in a Canada-wide contest, including universities, my submission was selected.

In retrospect, I believe that this award influenced my thinking on leaving the city and trying to live a more ‘creation-friendly’, ecologically responsible life. 

Back to 1975-80.

For my wife and me, the change was a challenge. The community and the house church lasted 5 years, the break-up caused by disagreement on basic matters.

 So, in 1980, we joined the local Presbyterian Church which now has aged, the services basically unaltered for decades, even though the world has changed radically. 

All is well that ends well. 

My ‘early’ retirement – in 1975 I was in my 48th year – gave me the opportunity to re-educate myself to become a Commercial Real Estate Appraisal. I took several university courses, and prepared the required three 100 pages proof appraisals on (1) a single family dwelling, (2) a 12 units apartment building, and (3) a commercial complex.

I attained my designation in 1978, and launched a new company called, HASTINGS APPRAISAL SERVICES, covering the entire county of Hastings, an area ranging from Lake Ontario to the Algonquin Park, some 150 km, with suboffices in the North and South, while centrally located Tweed became the administration office, with a former bank manager in charge. 

I sold the business in 1993 when I turned 65.

In my 50 years in Tweed, I have learned that the village is a civil place, with a lot of good people, but with a fading religious faith – two churches closed, two more are struggling – the Christian commitment more historical than based on personal relationships with the divine. In that the area differs little from the urban population: by and large, the Christian church is basically comatose, with no vision on eternity. 

Now what?

Next month I am going back to my home denomination. Will I find it changed? Will I find deeper thinking there, based on eternity? 

Over the years I have learned to be more defined in my views, more understanding of the reigning tendencies in society. 

I do believe that there is a growing awareness of the coming collapse of the current system, yet there still exists a baseless faith that human ingenuity will triumph.

I have come to believe that the church ought to prepare us for eternity, lived here on God’s renewed earth. The major challenge today is the swiftly changing climate, and our total inability to stop its rapid march to human oblivion. Yes, I believe that the End is near. Trump will not triumph: The evil he is doing will speed up earth’s destruction and hasten the Lord’s return.

That’s why Parousia, the Coming of the Lord, will be a total surprise.

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Christianity is NOT a religion: it is a Way-Of-LIFE.

But those who are considered worthy of taking part in the age to come and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage. Luke 20: 35

For the Lord will take delight in you,
    and your land will be married. Isaiah 62: 4   

I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.

                                                                                 Revelation 21: 2

Changes coming: 

In the USA half the marriages end in divorce. The emotional pain! The financial hardship! The suffering children! The Lord, in his wisdom, has looked at this institution and decided that it won’t work in eternity: a forever union is simply too long. 

No sex there.

At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. Matthew 22: 30.

In eternity life will be different, totally so. Jesus is quite explicit on this score. He lived the Kingdom life in his short stay on earth. And he remained single, even though he had lots of female friends. 

I was married for 67 years, and it was a good marriage. In eternity I will meet my wife again, as total equals. Sex, even though I delighted in it, will be over, forever: no more childbearing with its pain and uncertainty, because, basically, marriage always was an unequal situation. 

Yet, marriage will be maintained.

But marriage will not disappear: The Land will be married! The Land? Yes. Again! That bond God established in Paradise: then humanity was married to creation, was broken but was healed on the Cross. Again, the land will be married to humanity, with Jesus included, perfect man among perfected people, NOT, I repeat NOT with Jesus as the groom and the church as the bride. Forget it: the church will disappear: totally. Jesus will be Immanuel, God with us, the Primus Inter Pares, the First among Equals, the equals being the Redeemed of the Lord. 

I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. Revelation 21: 2.  

That IS the new creation: It is the bride. We, the redeemed of the Lord, together with Jesus, are the groom: The new state of Marriage, lasting forever.

We again have been hoodwinked by Greek pagan philosophy, which saw matter – creation –as evil and spirit as good. 

In ecclesiastical circles, the church is touted as the Bride of Christ. Now, don’t get me wrong: I am not a theologian, have no academic qualifications to lend authority to my musings. I believe the biblical truth of John 3: 16, that God loved his creation above anything else. That to me makes it my utmost priority to do the same. Romans 1: 20 confirms this in a somewhat negative way, where, in essence it says that the perfection of creation should lead us to believe in God, and we stand condemned if we don’t. 

Then there is 1 John 5: 19, blandly stating that in today’s society not Christ is in charge: We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one: The powers of evil dominate, all too visible everywhere.

Am I correct? 

So, keeping these texts in mind, here is my reasoning, purely human, and thus fallible, but it happens to be my view on my path to eternity, based on 2 Philippians 12, I try to work out my salvation with fear and trembling.

“The whole world, including the church, is under the control of the evil one”. Exceptions there are, I know.

That’s the premise from which I start. The church, as we see it with its pompand circumstance, its rites and its new High Priest, Donald Trump, who yields more ‘spiritual’ power than the Pope, have, by and large, abandoned God’s Creation in favor of a fictional heaven, even though Jesus repeatedly states that ‘Where I am going you cannot come”. (John 3: 13, John 8: 21-22, John 13:33), but the ‘know nothing’ Christians insist to know better. 

The reason why we have a world on fire – with worse to come – is that organized Christian Religion, has surrendered God’s cosmos to be exploited to the point where, today, it is a tinderbox. Had the church, 500 years ago or so, insisted on treating the earth as HOLY, as God’s precious possession, the church’s then undoubted authority, would have prevented our current state of decomposition. 

Yes, I see the church as the main culprit in this matter. Just as the church of Jesus’ days killed him, this time the church is well on its way to kill God’s Holy Earth. Harsh words, but I see them as true.

Jesus in John 10:10 is quite explicit: I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. Christ, in his life and actions, represented the New Creation. What he thought about the then reigning religion is well documented in Matthew 23, and is as true today as it was then.


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Dire rhymes with FIRE.                                                    

We may not realize it, but we, in the end, are doing God’s work. Just read on.

In my long life – well into year 97 – I have never seen world conditions as bad as they are now. Everything is in disarray: Political, social, financial, ecclesiastical, environmental, everything, everywhere.  

During 1940-45, when I as a teenager, from age 12-17, experienced the cruel German occupation in the Netherlands, the BBC in their daily broadcasts from London, always ended their Dutch programs with the words, “How dreary the day,” how cheerless the situation, we are one day closer to liberation”.

That hope kept us alive and upbeat, and united the people as never before, immensely sustained by full, uplifting church support and neighborly generosity.  That hope is no longer there.

Dire rhymes with FIRE.

The word ‘dire’ comes from the Latin ‘DIRUS, meaning ‘fearful’. Today one of the laws of Ecology is in direct display: “Everything is connected to everything else.” We see it in full force: Everything is in disarray: Political, social, financial, ecclesiastical, environmental, everything, everywhere. 

Should I mention Trump, whose regime is blind to the signs of the times, denying the obvious ravages of a changing era. If ever the words of Paul: “The love of money is the root of all evil”, apply to a historic moment, it is today, Anno 2025, when the richest of the world have a place of honor at Trump’s inauguration: the Biblical reminder of LOVE has been replaced with GREED, the love of money. The Trump regime will accelerate immensely the coming of the Lord: Thank you, Lord. 

Again: We may not realize it, but we, in the end, are doing God’s work. Just read on.

Jeremiah is one of my favorite prophets. The concept of ‘Jeremiads’ originates from him. He, more than any other prophet connects Creation with punishment. Take Jeremiah 3: 3: “Therefore, theshowers have been withheld, and there has been no latter rain”.

No rain spells fire.

In layperson’s terms, that means “out of control and burning at will”. It’s a common designation for a wildfire – in the wild. But when a fire like this enters an urban area such as Los Angeles County, the most highly populated metropolitan area in the US, it becomes an exploding bomb, and this one has been detonating for a full week.

Here follow some citations from John Vaillant.

“By now, the energy release from this wind-driven, drought-fuelled firestorm turned urban conflagration is into the megatons, and the nuclear-scale destruction is there for all to see: block after block and neighbourhood after neighbourhood levelled – roughly 12,000 structures destroyed or rendered uninhabitable, 55 sq miles of city and mountain burnt, nearly 200,000 residents evacuated – so far. There is more to come.

“The death toll has risen above 25 but, given the hurricane-force winds, the ignescent blizzards of flying embers, the frantic just-the-clothes-on-our backs evacuations, the gridlock, the wholesale terror, and the massive scale of this already historic event, such low fatalities are a kind of miracle.

“So integral has fire become to our daily activities, and to our identities, that we scarcely notice it any more. Almost invisibly now, its superhuman potency enables and amplifies virtually everything we do: cooking our food, heating our homes, powering our energy grids, and driving us – in our teeming billions – through the world at lethal speeds by land, sea and air.

“Due to the colossal scale on which our fire-powered civilisation now operates – including 50,000 seagoing ships, 30,000 jet planes, and nearly 2bn motor vehicles, powered by 100m barrels of oil every day – we have also supercharged the atmosphere.”

A Day of Reckoning coming.

The Bible tells us so.

Genesis 19 relates how God acted through fire: Then God rains sulfur and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah and all the Plain, because of their wickedness. 

Malachi 4: 1: “Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire,” says the Lord Almighty.

2 Peter 3 also is very telling: 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. 

11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives.

We ought to live holy and godly lives, in tune with God’s Holy Creation!

We may not realize it, but we, in the end, are doing God’s work: fire will pave the way for the New Creation! Trump is doing God’s work in a Satanic Way.

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