This week’s ‘blog’ is mostly about numbers, so, here is one: #1,187! That means that, since the year 2,000, I have written 1,186 articles, almost one (1) each week. The first 505 were also published in the regional daily newspaper, the Belleville-based ‘Intelligencer’, sometimes called ‘the Stupidifier’.

Why do I write? 

Two reasons: I think have something to say, and I know how to say it in a way that reflects Biblical truths. I also believe that the church in general, is hampered by its structure, which makes it difficult, if not impossible, to proclaim ‘the gospel of the kingdom’. 

That said, something that struck me this week: the number ‘’THREE”. Why Three? Well, I have a peculiar habit. When I see a 4 or less digit number, I, in my mind – without a calculator – try to reduce it to its basic or ‘prime number’ status. Take this year, 2024, an even number, thus divisible by 2 or multiple, so, 1012, 506, 253 which is divisible by 23, giving it 11 as the prime number. And 2025? Easy: 81 x 25, with 81 being 3 x 3 x 3 x 3. (3-9-27-81). That indicates that next year, 2025, has THREE as its prime number.

So, what is so peculiar about ‘the number THREE’?

In Scripture the number ‘three’ represents that which is solid, real, substantial, and something in its completeness.  This number indicates something of importance or significance in God’s plan of salvation by identifying an important event in Salvation History.  This number operates as a “sign-post” in Scripture study for the reader to “pay attention” to the significance of the next event.  

That’s how one commentator explains The Number Three. So, does the next year really figure in God’s plan for Salvation? It scares the wits out of me to even hint that it may be the year of Christ’s return! 

I have read that there are 4 perfect numbers in the Bible:  3 (divine perfection); 7 (spiritual perfection); 10 (ordinal perfection); and 12 (governmental perfection). The question that haunts me is: will 2025, with its divine base number, become ‘perfect’?

But first some substantiation, why THREE is prominent in both the Old and the Newer Testament.

The earth was separated from the waters on the 3rd day and life began [Genesis 1:9-13].

There were three Patriarchs of the children of Israel: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel.

After the Great Flood humanity descended from the three sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japheth [Genesis 10:1-32].

Three “men” announced to Abraham that his barren wife would bear a son [Genesis 18:14].

Baby Moses was hidden by his mother for three months [Exodus 2:1]. The adult Moses asked Pharaoh that he let Moses take his people on a three-day journey into the wilderness to offer sacrifice to their God [Exodus 3:18].

There were three divisions of the Tabernacle and later the Temple in Jerusalem: the Outer Court, the Holy Place, and the Holy of Holies. 

Jonah spent three days in the belly of the great fish [Jonah 2:1]; Jonah took three days to journey across the city of Nineveh [Jonah 3:3].

In the New Testament:

Jesus’ ministry lasted three years, covering three Passovers [John 2:136:411:55-12:1].

Mary stayed with Elizabeth about three months [Luke 1:56].

Jesus was missing for three days when He was 12 years old [Luke 2:46].

Jesus took Peter, James, and John up on the Mt. of Transfiguration [Matthew 17:1-8Mark 9:2;Luke 9:28-36].

Jesus arose from the dead on the third day. [Matthew 16:21

Saul was blinded for three days [Acts 9:9].

The theological virtues are faith, hope and charity {1 Corinthians 13:13].

The heavenly Jerusalem has three gates on each of its four sides [Revelation 21:13].

Christians saw three as symbolic of the Trinity, the nature of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit [Matthew 28:19].

In Addition:

There are three divisions of time: past, present, and future.

There are three persons represented in grammar: She/he/it.

Thought, word, and deed complete the sum of human capacity. 

Back to today. 

On September 16 I posted a NEW blog:


In it I quote ARCTIC NEWS:


Will we be alive in 2025, who will survive, 2025?



This past week the British Guardian had this headline:

Earth’s ‘vital signs’ show humanity’s future in balance, say climate experts

Record emissions, temperatures and population mean more scientists are looking into possibility of societal collapse, report says.

PURE SPECULATION? Yes. Why? Because 2 Peter 3: 10 tells us:

But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.


And Yet…………




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But first: A bit about me.

I guess I am a preacher at heart. My parents wanted me to become one ever since I was born. So, in 1941 – an unpolished 13 years old – they sent me to the ‘gymnasium’, the private 6 grades prep school for ministers and doctors, not at all ready to study academics, but near the end I caught on, almost too late.

My fiancée (we were engaged August 31 1950) told me that if I were to choose theology, she would break the engagement. I have no idea why she felt that way. Her father was a celebrated preacher, who died in 1937, at the age of 49, leaving her mother with 12 children, the last one yet to be born. Perhaps her father’s profession, his almost God-like status as minister was a factor.

Actually, in my very early youth I did have the ambition to become missionary in the Netherlands East Indies – now Indonesia – where our denomination operated a mission field on the island of Celebes. Every few years, on Mission Day, one of the two ‘zendelingen = missionaries’ there, would sail home – 6 weeks – and show off a colored convert, a rarity before 1940. 

I now wonder whether my internet writing expresses the secret desire to be a missionary to the world. On a typical day – October 2 – my blog attracted 11 visitors: 1 from Ukraine, 2 from Berlin, Germany, 2 from Lebanon, 3 from Ontario, 1 from Baltimore, 2 from an unknown destination. I also send it to some 20 regulars.

When I survey the ‘religious’ scene, I see mostly sterility, near total absence of the New Creation concept, and the Kingdom to come. Dietrich Bonhoeffer and J.H. Bavinck are the lone exceptions.  

Cognitive Dissonance.

Despite the fact that we face an existential threat from climate change—with droughts, floods, violent storms and wildfires becoming more frequent and more violent — we’re still waiting for someone to rouse the world to real action. True, the UN leader, Antonio Guterres, has issued ever stronger warnings, but the UN lacks executive power. Soon, end November, a new COP meeting will take place: will it truly expound the consequences of our riotous living?

And we? We live the lie.

What happens elsewhere, will happen here: there are no safe places left, and for young people there’s no future anymore. The air they breathe is suspect, the soil sterile, the water contaminated. The politicians have demonstrated time and again they cannot be trusted. 

It was different in my youth: I lived through five years of cruel German occupation. What kept us alive was the ‘hope’ of liberation which came in May 1945. There’s no such hope now.

Today there is no such hope.

The numbers are in. I have 13 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren, all healthy and, yes, wealthy. Yet, a child born now will experience 24 times the number of extreme climate events as one born in the 1960s. They are the wretched, damned for the sins of others, me included. The burden of that legacy is being expressed physically and mentally right now in every time zone and culture: and IT’S COMING TO A LOCATION NEAR YOU. Look at the devastation in the US South: not much different from Gaza and the West bank in the Middle East.

The root of the trouble we face is the holding of two conflicting beliefs.

The root of the trouble we face is the holding of two conflicting beliefs. To wit: We know climate change is an imminent threat, but we also continue to rely on oil—the burning of which is the primary cause of climate change. It’s called: Cognitive dissonance.

Here’s the thing, though: Burning fossil fuel is not the most economical way to generate power — not when you actually account for the costs associated with the effects of climate change, a bill that’s going to come due sooner rather than later. (Climate-related disasters have already cost the U.S. alone trillions since 1980, and they’re only getting worse.) Oil producers, however, aren’t forced to bear those costs — future generations will be. In the meantime, the oil giants will be allowed to continue selling oil even as the world quite literally burns down around them. Even now, scores of wildfires are raging across the world, only to get worse next year.

Cognitive Dissonance also affects the TRUMP tragedy. We know he is a crook, but we also see him as a smart operator; the same applies to super-processed food. We know it is a health risk, but our motto is: ‘enjoy the hour: tomorrow we die’. And then there is the ‘heaven heresy’: it is more comfortable and cozier to believe in this illusory destination than longing for a new earth, and trying to live it now.

Cognitive Dissonance: It rules our life and prevents us from living.

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In my youth, there used to be an answer to the question of ‘how to live as a Christian’. The pat reply then was: “We live to honor God”. That was then acceptable, but now it needs fleshing out. Jesus, in John 10: 10, touches on this, when He says that “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

Apply this to today’s situation, it seems to me that WE are the thief, WE kill and destroy, WE do harm, no matter how careful we are, no matter how good our intentions are. 

Of course, I try to avoid stealing, killing and destroying, but I have been – like all of us Westerners – sucked into a mode of living that consists of stealing, killing and destroying. 

Just one example of our cruel extravagance. Worldwide, 80 billion animals are slaughtered every year for meat. Raising all those animals has already claimed most of the world’s farmland. It has led to zoonotic diseases and vast deforestation. It has polluted air and water and spewed planet-heating gasses into the atmosphere.  

That’s why I sincerely believe that today, now, Anno 2024, it is our Christian duty to be vegetarian:  it’s healthier, and, yes, it prepares us for LIFE to come: fully vegetarian!

I don’t think we fully fathom the destruction we have wrought and still do, to God’s creation, his work of art, that fully reflect His being. There really is need for daily praying, “Forgive us our trespasses”. 

Jesus lived a life in complete symbiosis with God’s handiwork and, as John 3: 16-17 tells us, was willing to give his life, his divine life, in order to restore God’s precious possession, the cosmos which he gave to us for safe-keeping. 

I know, being a vegetarian, is not what the church teaches, but even the church can change, because we’re always learning, and always growing, and always adapting: change simply indicates humility, curiosity, openness, imagination. Show me someone who believes and says the exact same things about the world 20 or 10 or even 5 years ago and I’ll show you someone who hasn’t been properly living.

All this ties in with how the church’s original divine design became distorted.

The first ‘house of worship’, the tabernacle, was full of ‘nature’ symbols, replicated in the Solomon temple. The tabernacle and the temple were seen as the world in a nutshell, a microcosmos, with the deity living at the centre. 

There are several places in Scripture that illuminates this. The temple’s Holy of Holies, as well as the Holy Place, were decorated with palm trees and flowers. In 1Kings 6:29 we are specifically told that all the walls of God’s house were adorned with wooden sculptures of cherubim, palm trees and open flowers. 

In other words, the inner Holy Place was completely portrayed as a garden of golden flowers. One commentator explains this section as follows: “Perhaps the palm trees represent the trees in paradise, guarded by the cherubim (Genesis 3: 24). What is striking is that all the wall adornments are replicas of flowers, representing the Garden of Eden. It makes sense to view the temple as a facsimile of Paradise to which free access can only be obtained by way of atonement, while honoring the highest regard for God’s holiness, ensured by the presence of the cherubs.”

Think about that.

The first church designed by divine instructions, resembled Paradise. Why? Because God did not want creation to be relegated to history, but he wanted us to be daily reminded that Paradise never disappeared, then still hidden behind heavy curtains. But, when Christ died, that heavy curtain tore from top to bottom, signifying that Christ’s death restored Paradise. Think about that!

I repeat: Christ’s death restored PARADISE, our eternal destination, and, believe it or not, that’s why our very own places of worship should portray this as well.

Roman Catholic Churches.

Roman Catholic Churches, from what I have seen, portray heaven. The high ceilings often feature angels, while the windows show saints of various eras. The heaven heresy has affected Protestantism as well, as the Iconoclast in the mid 16th Century, where all images were seen as sinful and destroyed, has influenced the Reformational churches until this day. 

Actually, deep down, Plato and Socrates have influenced the church more than Jesus and the Bible.

Our life should reflect the LIFE to come.

Life is preparatory for LIFE to come, not in heaven – an ancient Greek pagan teaching – but on a renewed earth. Churches today, following God’s instructions in the designs of His house, should reflect this New Earth. 

Somehow, thanks to Dr. John Poland, professor of Biology at Queen’s University, Kingston, our church is utilizing the grounds surrounding the building, to grow vegetables and flowers. Next should come the complete renovation of the interior, now devoid of beauty and divine radiance. 

Life is about living, living so that God’s creation is enhanced. The church should lead the way in this.

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That’s the headline on ARCTIC NEWS, September 11 2024: Have a look. That such a headline can appear on a website maintained by top Arctic scientists, is, in itself, deeply troubling, because it states that most life on Earth will disappear with a 5°C rise, possibly next year! 

It also tells me that I and you and the rest of the human race, will likely go extinct with a 3°C rise.  We are, by some counts, already beyond 2°C. 

What have we done to come to this point?

When God caused the flood, ‘regretting’ creating humans, he said that this would be a unique act, not to be repeated – fully well knowing that next time we would destroy the earth. 

If ARCTIC NEWS is correct, we, the Western world, North America, Europe, Australia, Japan, about one billion people, will have caused the death of the other  seven billion human beings – and many animals beside – all innocent victims of the extravagance of our affluent minority.

If there is a just God – and there is – do you really think that we will get away with this abnormality in the end, causing the ‘telos’ to come? It simply is an act of righteous justice that this will happen. 

It seems to that we are going full circle. Genesis 1: 2, The very first words in the bible, shows the word ‘chaos’, translated as ‘empty’. That’s how it was ‘in the beginning’ and that’s what we have accomplished over the eons: emptiness. Now the world is full of our toys and gadgets, full of mechanical means, but empty of what was: large animals, fertile, clean soil. Instead, the air is saturated with hurricane-breeding ingredients, seas depleted of their natural creatures, the earth rapidly devoid of large wild animals.

We have gone full circle. 

Our holy earth is crying: enough, enough.

We have gone full circle: In the beginning there was ‘chaos’, ‘emptiness’, in the end there is ‘chaos’, ‘emptiness’. In Greek, ‘chaos’, a singular noun, means chasm or void. It designates the emptiness that came before the beginning of time in both Hellenic and monotheistic creation stories.

“And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.”— Genesis 1:2

Everything becomes what it is. The beginning is the end. Chaos was, and to chaos we return.

Again, yes again, because we live in Matthew 24 times, I will quote it again. The Bible today is more relevant than ever! That chapter emphasizes that we cannot predict “The Day and the Hour” (Matthew 24: 36) of God’s justified wrath, but it does stipulate that an approximation of the time of THE event to come, is possible. ARCTIC NEWS does that.

“So, when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ (Global Heating, storms, fires) spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand – be prepared. (Matthew 24: 15).

The little aside – ‘let the reader understand’ – means that only when these disasters happen, can we recognize the events. That ‘desolation’ is happening now: Daily we read about them, especially this year!

Chaos everywhere.

Chaos not only happens in ‘nature’, as the Arctic News asserts: it also happens in politics. The debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris was an instance of chaos versus reason. Come November and Trump losing the election, political chaos will descend on the United States of America, already more Disunited than any other great power. 

Chaos, aptly enough, is an unruly word with a volatile history. In modern English, there is something violent and unpredictable embedded in its very spelling and pronunciation: just sound it out! KAY-OS, Could the election be a single chaos among many?

Then again, maybe whatever is about to happen in American politics is just the latest symptom of a larger disorder. Last December, The New Yorker asked “what to call our chaotic era?” Here’s a quote:

“Some have argued that the aggregate events of recent years call for a new label that we can apply to our chaotic historical moment, a term that we can use when we want to evoke the panicky incoherence of our lives of late.”

Yes, agreed: This is the Age of Chaos! This is the Age of uncertainty. This is  the Age of instability, of which the weather is but one facet. “Will I find faith on earth, when I return?” wondered Jesus, and the emptiness of churches tragically confirms this query.

ARCTIC NEWS (September 11) concludes:

Potential causes for such a rapid temperature rise include a cataclysmic alignment of the temperature peak of the next El Niño coinciding with a peak in sunspots expected to occur in July 2025. 

So: Rejoice! Maranatha, the Lord will come back to bring THE NEW CREATION.

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A biography, of sorts.

Next month I hope to reach my 96th birthday, DV, which stands for Deo Volente, the Latin for ‘The Lord Willing’. I once saw this DV limitation, on a note from a prominent economist, who advised one of the major US financial institutions. No explanation given: just DV. It suggested to me that this man, one of the nation’s most important monetary experts, lived by the grace of God.  I do that too.

I see my entire life as being lived before God’s face – another Latin phrase: Coram Deo. It indicates dependency and also uncertainty, the opposite of fundamentalism, which is a stagnant, intellectual, political, or theological position that asserts a certainty in the absolute truth and righteousness of a belief system. Fundamentalism, to me suggests an extreme form of hubris— of overconfidence, not only in one’s own beliefs but in the ability to understand complex questions.  

For me, my life is a constant struggle to attain the truth, an ever-shifting stance, however slightly, however minute, but actually, a joyful journey, a discovery track that leads, in the end, to surprising changes, because reading and reflecting and questioning, makes life interesting and worth living. 

Reading, all the time.

It’s reading that removes me from any permanent position: I always probe and search and experiment, always wonder what is God’s way, and what leads me and keeps me on the path to eternal life. I constantly wonder whether I should continue the same routine, my established way of life, or opt for a different path, because Creation is infinite and searching it is a never-ending journey: it also makes life interesting.

Today the present is threatened by AI, Artificial Intelligence, working with existing sources, and relying on limited knowledge, influenced by human, imperfect, impulses. It does not take the Spirit into account, God’s way that leads to eternity, freed from sinful inclinations and human hubris, Being dependent on God’s Spirit, I boldly can explore spirit-filled impulses, carried out with laughter and excitement, sharing and rejoicing, all in leisure and freedom, resulting in surprises and amazement.

There’s where books come in, to me life-changing at times, one of those has been: Diet for a small planet by Frances Moore Lappé, bought more than 50 years ago, 1972.

After sharing it with my spouse, we decided to change our eating habits: go vegetarian, because the production of a pound of meat takes up to 10 lbs of grain. 

That year 1972, was a real turning point in our lives: two other books also altered our vision: Limits of Growth, by Meadows and others, and After Death…what? by a Rev. Dr. Telder.

“Limits of Growth”, projected economic growth 50 years in the future, and now, 50 years later, we see the accuracy of this study: Doom is in the air. Another book, “After Death… What?”challenged the church’s message of us being ‘heaven-bound’, and, instead, pointed out that eternal life is lived on God’s very earth, affirmed in John 3: 16-17, which bears repeating: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 

In John 3, Jesus directly speaks specifically to all preachers and teachers today, and it’s worth pointing out that verse 13 there expressly denies heaven as our final destination, a major false teaching.

I was brought up believing in heaven. As a child, songs about heaven were common: “Get in line, get in line, then follow the ‘to heaven’ sign”, was one of them. Today most church’s hymnals glorify heaven: By the sea of Chrystal, saints in glory stand: myriads in number drawn from every land. Robed in white apparel….they now reign in heaven. Just one of the scores of hymns praising heaven. All fundamentally false.

J, H. Bavinck’s book: “Between the Beginning and the End: a radical Kingdom vision”, offers a different vision. One of its lines, states: Salvation of the person and salvation of Creation go hand in hand.” That’s revolutionary!

This concept, that God’s Kingdom equals God’s Creation, more than any other thought, has deeply influenced me. All the piety in the world cannot possibly compensate for neglecting and worse, for harming God’s beloved work of art, which made Dietrich Bonhoeffer state that John 3: 16-17 form the heart of the gospel. 

In today’s age of unbelief and uncertainty, in our era of cynicism and the pursuit of pleasure, at a time of extremes and endings, of unparalleled weather events and social upheaval, we must recognise that DV, Deo Volente, the Lord Willing, must still be our rule for life. Through all turmoil, God’s will is being done.

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And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world, for a testimony to all nations; and then shall the end come. (Matthew 24: 14)

I am pretty sure that theologians are puzzled by this text. All around the world the Christian Religion is in decline. The concept of ‘kingdom’, meaning God’s rule on earth, has become a no-no, hardly ever mentioned in sermons or in Christian gatherings. Piety prevails, of course, but it is principally applied to personal prayer and song, and remains far removed from day-to-day activities. Jesus’ statement that he came to bring LIFE and that to the full – John 10:10 – is limited to spirituality, even as Christ’s statement indicates that there is no split in life. 

It becomes increasingly clear that, being a Christ follower, simply means adopting a ‘way of life’, a total immersion into Christ-like living, 24/7, inundated in LIFE that reflects the NEW life to come. 

Christian living is not a ‘looking back to the past’, but looking ahead to the New Creation to come, seeking new ways of holiness, living not only within the means and ways of creation, but in total symbiosis with all created matter, air, soil, water, fauna, flora, humanity, fully recognizing and implementing that Creation is God’s expression to us, first and foremost.

God’s way of punishing

When, in the Hebrew Bible God’s Chosen People, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, neglected the WAY, God punished them through natural disasters, often drought for years on end. That’s how God manifested his power, and showed his people his authority over all created matter. The ten plagues that beset Egypt before it let the Israel people go, were mostly climate related, except the last one, when ‘the angel of the Lord’ killed all the firstborn of man and beast, sparing no family. 

Today is no different.

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world, for a testimony to all nations; and then shall the end come. 

The Greek word for ‘gospel’ is eu-angelos, or the good news. Just as the Ten Plagues were good news for God’s people, so the current unnatural disasters are Good News for God’s people as well. They shout loud and clear that God’s creation cannot be tampered with without serious consequences. Climate Change, melting icecaps, horrendous hurricanes, wars, are causing more CO2, more diseases and epidemics, while uncontrollable forests fires rage with double whammies, more CO2, less absorbing powers. All these events are just pinpricks compared to what is still to come

God’s Kingdom is today’s tool to punish us, the trespassers into God’s Kingdom. The laws of Ecology come to mind, reflecting divine intentions, captured into 4 simple statements: Everything is connected to everything else; Creation knows best; There is no free lunch; Nothing disappears. The bills of our riotous living are now due. 

A lot of questions. 

How can we, under these circumstances expect the Gospel of the Kingdom to be preached to all the world? A sudden church revival? A miraculous opening for the Kingdom prospective? A population receptive to God’s message? No, none of these above. What then?

Here is how I see this. 

One clue lies on the Calvary Hill, just outside Jerusalem when Jesus died. There occurred a sudden conversion, but was it really sudden? I think that Jesus showed both murderers, both his cruel cross companions, vivid descriptions, in blazing colors, vital impressions of the New Earth to come, and their possible place in it. One accepted his place in paradise; one rejected it. Take note: their destination is not heaven, but the restored Garden of Eden Paradise.

I know, this is pure conjecture, but it sounds true to me: Jesus mentioned Paradise for a purpose. Nothing happens in isolation. 

To continue this possible scenario, here is my take.

When all those who have ever lived, have been assembled, Jesus will address them, and give them too, an eyeopener of the Kingdom, a snapshot, a total overview of the new creation, with the invitation to accept or reject it, just as the two murderers, crucified with Jesus, were offered a final choice. That is, I think, what is meant when “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world, for a testimony to all nations; and then shall the end come.”

Here it is Jesus himself who, just as when he was on earth, in word and deed, shows us the Gospel of the Kingdom, in its eternal entirety, in its total splendor, in its uttermost beauty. Accept or reject, because then shall the END come. Last chance.

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