The Devil’s Fiery Fury

May 8 2016

The world is in a mess. More than 330 million in India directly suffer from drought, due to two (2) failed monsoons. Many millions in Africa too will go hungry. Another 400,000 are fleeing Syria. Then there are 800,000 desperate migrants in Libya alone, frantically trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe where people don’t want them because these refugees are “harbingers of bad news,” and “embody the collapse of order”. By their presence, these black people tell the ‘burghers’, those well-fed European folk, that all is not well with the world.
These simple Africans, with their hungry faces and lean bodies, bring back memories of that terrible war 1939-45 when also millions were on the move. But then all of Europe faced the same predicament. Now, thanks to oil and borrowed money – trillions of units of each – we all have grown rich and self-satisfied. That the New World order, our global dislocation because of Climate Change and trillions in DEBT, has been mainly caused by Western people – we – is conveniently forgotten.
So what do we do? We demonize these DPs, these Climate-Change- Displaced Persons, picturing them as the Devil Incarnate.

But where is the real devil?

Look no further than a passage in Revelation, Chapter 12: 12. There the real truth is revealed: “But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! Filled with fury, because he knows that the time is short.”
That’s what is at play today. Today the Devil calls the tune, all because there was a war in heaven. Yes, heaven was not always a peaceful place. The result of this war was that the Devil was thrown out of heaven, now vying for vengeance.
Where did he end up? Right here on our planet, feet first. Watch out, because this means that demonic armies have thrown themselves onto the world with such unbridled ferocity and awesome fury that it can only have the most terrible results.

I love the last bible book REVELATION. It says what it means: revelation indicates exposure; revelation means telling how it is; revelation lays bare what sin long has obscured.

And the world is waking up to the efforts of those in power who refuse to tell the truth. There is a Dutch saying: “Even though the LIE is fast, in race with TRUTH it comes in last.” In the End all will be revealed. That is the basic message of the last Bible book.
Last week I read a column by a Greg Mannarino of Traders Choice. He echoed the words of REVELATION: “Nothing is real. All of this (the current economic scene) is being played to keep people believing that the system is working. The stock market is almost at its highest ever, but that does not mean that the valuations are real.
Greg Mannarino continues to say that “We have never seen anything like it in the history of the world. We are in uncharted territory: it’s all an illusion to keep the stock market booming. Every single asset, debt, housing, metals, it’s all fake, it’s all being distorted. The system is built on one premise and that is that we must ‘BELIEVE’ that it will work. If that confidence is rattled the whole thing will implode. And when that confidence is finally lost, and the fraud exposed – and it will be – the destruction that follows will be one for the history books.”

One of the laws of ECOLOGY says that EVERYTHING is connected to EVERYTHING ELSE. A financial collapse will affect everything. Millions upon millions are going to die world-wide, because if there is no way to pay, then nothing can be sold. People will be scrambling doing everything they can do to survive to provide for their family and themselves. That will include force: there are 300 million guns out there in the USA.
When the financial system collapses it means widespread violence, looting, killing in the streets, CHAOS in other words, everybody for themselves, while law and order disappears. That’s what happens when people are desperate, can’t get food, have no way of going from place to place.
It’s becoming more evident by the day that our entire financial system – actually all of society – is built on fraud. A carbon-based world cannot endure, as we now are discovering, because it robs the earth of stuff that has gestated there for millions of years and we burn it in an eyewink. It’s like trying to eat a year’s supply of food in one hour: we simply choke to death.

Already the elite are building bunkers, something foretold in the last Bible book as well. “The kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty and every slave and every free man hid in the caves and along the rocks of the mountains”. (Revelation 6: 15).
That’s how it starts: the massive move to safety. Out of the high rise condos, and the townhouses, out of the packed cities, they flee as far as possible away to the safe hiding places hewn out in the mountain caves. Just as when a city is threatened by bombs and people seek refuge in their underground bunkers, deep into the earth, so now too people flee away, far from the horror-provoking terror that confronts them from all directions, running away from themselves, from their own conscience, from their own God.

Fort McMurray’s hellish fire gives us a glimpse of what is in store.

The last Bible book, Revelation, tells us about the LAST DAYS when everything becomes what it is. Admit it: we now live in a masked world, a world in disguise. Matters today are not what they are, are different from what they seem. That is the secret that this world so carefully wants to conceal. Now already we see brief flashes of the images and counter images which play such an important role in the book of Revelation. Now we can detect glimpses of what can be seen as the heart of this book, its dominating theme. This can be captured in one phrase: I repeat

Economists are good at measuring the past but simply can’t forecast future events, particularly recessions. That’s because recessions aren’t caused merely by concrete changes in the markets. Beliefs and stories passed on by thousands of individuals are important factors, maybe even the main ones in determining big shifts in the economy.
Look at the political play in the USA. We see the revolt of the masses. We see the anger there. We see how voting for Trump displays the despair many feel, how their standard of living has declined, because ever increasing personal debt is overwhelming millions of households. Worries that a big downturn might be imminent scare many witless because they have no resources fall back on.
In April, for example, the International Monetary Fund reported that the world economy was in a “fragile conjuncture.” What it fails to say is that the world is exhausted, that it is finite, making infinite growth impossible, yet it remains the mantra of the politicians.

Confidence is what makes the world tick. Money, as we have seen, is created out of nothing. Soon we will be showered with the stuff, giving all a basic income. Why not? It simply involves some computer manipulations. But will this instill confidence?
John Kenneth Galbraith in his book 1929, THE GREAT CRASH has shown that there were no sure indications, even after decades of research, why the DIRTY THIRTIES suddenly started: it came as a real surprise to all ‘experts’, the economists. I remember how Queen Elizabeth, visiting the London School of Economics (LSE) in 2008, asked the professors there why they had not seen the 2008 recession coming. Good question.
Basically global recessions tend to begin when popular opinion switches and the slogan ‘shop till you drop’ dies out and people start saving for the ‘rainy day’, or simply pay off debt. Psychology matters a great deal. Suddenly people become uneasy, shut their collective wallets, and, bang, we have a recession.
Times have changed. Back then, immediately after the market crash of October 1929, church sermons had a powerful impact. Churches were full. Imagine: sermons were influencing public opinion! Congregations were told that many businesspeople had behaved like gamblers and hucksters. These sermons and other word-of-mouth sources, moralizing about the stock market crash spread, affected mass psychology.

Frederick Lewis Allen, in the epilogue to his 1931 best seller “Only Yesterday: An Informal History of the 1920s”, wrote that cultural values changed after the crash: People began to dress more modestly, adopting a new formality and religiosity, reviving Victorian sexual taboos. It is reasonable to assume that many of these changes had an economic impact, mainly by discouraging spending.

Then there still was a GOD factor.

Now the opposite is true: tobacco use is on the upswing, suicides are at a record high, overdose deaths a daily occurrence, mass shootings common and nudity display – thanks to clever surgical body enhancements – the thing to do. Now there also is a voters’ revolution, sending tremors through the USA political scene.
Why this sudden dissatisfaction? People no longer see a way out, have lost God and hope. They consider that anything is better than the current situation.
Now the DEVIL is in full control and we feel his fiery fury.
We are on the cusp of world-wide changes: all for the worse. The fires in Fort McMurray are not an isolated event: today wherever there are trees, there are fires. Every minute in South America’s rainforests the size of two football fields go up in smoke, set ablaze to grow more soya beans there. The same is happening in Indonesia for palm oil.

Greed and Climate Change destroy the “Trees of Life”, exponentially increasing global temperatures as fewer trees means less capacity to absorb CO2 while the fires generate extra CO2 producing a double whammy. That’s how we feed THE DEVIL’S FIERY FURY.

So what’s going to happen to the economy?

Recessions are normal phenomena. Since World War II, there have been four global recessions, according to the International Monetary Fund, which defines such an event very specifically as negative global per capita economic growth over at least one year. They occurred in 1975, 1982, 1991 and 2008. Oil has been named as a fundamental factor in each case, with price spikes blamed on the Yom Kippur war of 1973, the Iran-Iraq War beginning in 1980, the 1990-91 Persian Gulf War and again, due to China’s booming economy, in 2008.
Now Oil is again implicated. Not its high price as before, but its low price: too low for expensive sources to be developed. Now, thanks to the fires in Northern Alberta, where Tar Sand oil originates, there is a good possibility that production there may cease altogether. The same is true already for exploration in the Arctic. Of course oil is the main source of Climate Change and, ideally, its use should be eliminated completely.

Karl Marx has observed that “every city has a little Ireland in it”. In the 1840’s the Irish depended on the potato to survive. When potato blight bit, millions died. The same is true for money: if money fails in its function all cities – Beijing, Cairo, Delhi, London, New York, Paris, Toronto, Vancouver – all those urban jewels, will shatter, will starve.

The lust for money is the root of all evil. In the Garden of Eden, trees then were described as (Genesis 2: 9) “pleasing to the eye and good for food,” the aesthetic having priority over economics. When the Devil (Genesis 3: 6) pointed the fruit out, he reversed the order: “Good for food and pleasing to the eye,” giving preference to the monetary aspect.

There’s where our trouble started. That was the original cause of the downfall of our civilization.

Next to humans trees are the most important creatures on earth. Forest fires signal planetary suicide, a direct result of our life style. What happens to trees will happen to us.

Brace yourself: THE DEVIL’S FIERY FURY will only intensify. “But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! Filled with fury, because he knows that the time is short.”

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