April 6 2022
Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? Hebrews 1: 14.
Now, April 2022, we, more than ever, need ministering angels! Fortunately, they are out there, believe me.
My book, DAY WITHOUT END, starts with the physical appearance of my Guardian Angel who has looked after me my entire life. When I wake up in the New Creation, here’s how I describe the scene:
“Eat it.”
That mysterious command jolts me awake and at once I notice an apple in my hand and an approaching fellow who knows that I am clutching one even before I realized it.
I look at the apple. I glance at the slowly moving creature. Where is the connection? Did he put it in my hand when I was asleep and then sneaked away?
There’s that voice again: “Eat it.” The sound vibrates through the total silence, repeating the words as ripples on a quiet pond: “Eat it, eat it.”
He comes closer and my eyes now find their focus. To me he looks familiar, but I cannot place him. He looks like a long lost relative, like a brother I’ve never known. He is about my height and build, slim and trim. He has strong, flowing hair, slightly disorderly as if the wind has blown through it. His eyes are a deep blue, much bluer than mine. Amazing eyes this man has, penetrating, all-seeing it seems, understanding, full of sparkle. A slight smile hovers over his face, soft, inviting, encouraging.
You may not be aware of it, but angels closely follow the whereabouts of God’s people: They are simply delighted when a person becomes a follower of the Way, and are dejected when the opposite is true.
Yes, I do have a guardian angel: I call him Cornelius, and assign him initially a prominent place in my book. (Google: Bert Hielema: World without End) But angels too, look forward to the Lord’s coming, and today are preparing themselves for the basic change that will take place for them as well, as heaven becomes obsolete and God for all practical purposes, disappears, as the devil and his legions are conquered and banned forever.
So, will angels really disappear?
Angels are there now to serve those who will inherit salvation, but, once this is accomplished, what is there for them to do? What will happen to them? And what will happen to God?
In my book, my guardian angel meets me in the New Creation in a welcoming role, and introduces me to several people from all over the world for whom he also has been a guardian. But now that the New World has come, is the task for angels over? Is there still a place for them? Oh yes, I also introduce a female angel, a choir leader, so, are there really two types of angels?
Yet, in my book, eventually, all angels disappear. And, curiously, God also no longer plays a role, but his Creation remains forever! And Jesus? He is always there, and will always dwell with us on earth.
When I questioned my guardian angel, he told me of his different moods, rejoicing when people turned to the true faith but also mourning as he saw God’s creation being hammered and torn apart, and thoroughly destroyed.
Yes, the suffering of creation had caused a lot of anguish in heaven, as the legions of angels, as numerous as those who are saved, share in the cries of creation, so well described in Romans 8: 22, “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pain of childbirth.”
Now, with the entire world fixated on the plight of Ukraine, and TV cameras divulging the cruelties of war, it seems that the pains, of childbirth, the contractions become more pronounced and more frequent, looming more ominous than ever, exacerbated by the substitution of black coal to replace somewhat less dirty Russian natural gas, while the Canadian Tar-Sands Oil generation booms and the CO2 count and Methane emissions shoot up.
Truly, we have entered the ‘age of evil’ where the great danger of nuclear war, cannot be far behind: the MAD age, Mutually Assured Death.
I devote this blog to the ‘angels’ who roam all around us, invisible servants of The Most-High and of us lowly humans. They know war, having chased Satan and his legions out of heaven. Now, in their defeat, today, as yet, these devils rule the earth, the place where you and I dwell.
The sum total of today’s happening means that redemption is at hand: Christ’s return is near. Pray without ceasing.