Nature is cruel: food for some is the death for others. There the law of the strongest rules. This past week I saw tracks in the snow, the typical rabbit foursome paw-pattern; the next day I also saw coyote marks there; the day after, no more of these distinctive, easily recognized rabbit tracks. 

I believe that all carnivore animals will be changed in the New Creation, from meat-eating to herbivore creatures, as Isaiah 65: 25 suggests: The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, and dust will be the serpent’s food. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain,” says the LORD. And that applies to us humans, as well: no more killing of animals, reason to now become vegetarian. Also, the way animals in poultry slaughter places and abattoirs are killed, is evil. 

Still: “Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.”

Remember that, Trump!

But for now, in the USA the law of the richest rules: Musk, the money man, spent 250 million dollars to get Trump elected. The new cabinet consists of billionaires. Paul, the apostle, God’s instrument for bringing the Good News to the Western World, wrote to his protégé Timothy, as recorded in 1 Timothy 6: 10, “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil”. 

Trump loves money.

Trump loves money, and loves those who have it. He’s entering office as the most powerful president in American history. He is the American Caesar, unrestrained. Trump has made a threat and said, “I’m coming after people”, and he’s appointed people that will do what he wants without him having to tell them to do it.

And then there is the weather.

Through our evil, heatwaves will be worse; through our evil, floods, fires, drought, hurricanes and other extreme weather events will be worse. CO?, methane and other greenhouse gasses will rise faster than expected. The loss of coral and the die-off of the Amazon will be worse than expected. Through our evil, global temperatures will be hotter than expected, except in those places where they are much colder than expected.

Melting of glaciers and polar ice will be greater than expected. The spread of diseases like dengue and H5N1 will be much worse than expected. Through our evil, the extinction of species and loss of biodiversity will be much worse than expected. Multi simultaneous breadbasket crop failures will be much worse than expected, due to storms, floods, drought, heat and loss of pollinators.

Expect more Evil.

Expect evil to be dominant during Trump’s 4-year term, which, I predict, will be disastrous, with major setbacks in weather conditions, with economic turmoil, with rising unemployment and financial hardship, analogous to the infamous Dirty Thirties, from 1929-39. 

Then World-War II – 1939-45- brought an end to unemployment, and unleashed a manufacture bonanza. That cure is no longer feasible because of environmental constraints. Also reduced economic activity will cause ‘global dimming’ to disappear, now restraining the full impact of sunshine to warm the earth. With that haze gone, global warming will gallop and intensify the effects of Climate Change. 

O, yes, those trillions of debts, made in prosperous times, due when tough economic conditions make repayment impossible, will lead to the long overdue economic collapse. 

To parody Charles Dickens:

“It was the test of times, it was the most trying of times, the age of Trump, the age of foolishness, the epoch of errors, the instances of incredulity, the season of stupidity, the dawn of darkness, the fall of fables, the duration of despair.” 

The task of the Government.

It is the task of all governments is to protect those whom lack the capacity to look after themselves, whether that is through physical impairments, or willful actions. The rich think that the poor are poor because they are lazy and clamor for charity. So, let them be. The ruling cabinet in Washington – whose members are worth a total of 250 Billion – will see to it that they, and their fellow billionaires, will get richer. Proverbs 22: 7 affirms that the rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.

Trump, at Mar-a-Lago, mused: “In the first term, everyone was fighting me. In this term, everybody wants to be my friend. I don’t know, my personality changed or something”. Those are dangerous words, coming from an ego-maniac, out to punish those who defied him.

“It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says God, as recorded in Hebrew 10: 30.

All signs signal closure: irreversible weather; increasing extinction. Evil reigns. Remember, even though the LIE is fast, in race with TRUTH it comes in last.

Pray for the Lord’s return.

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