Confusion, incoherence, close to collapse: a psychopath in power.

 In my long life, always having a keen interest in global happenings, I’ve never observed so much global turmoil, political, economic, and ecological as today. 

Yes, I should add religious as well. In my opinion, the real message of Revelation, the last Bible book, is that ‘Everything becomes what it is’. The effects of the Enlightenment, which brought new thinking, and reshaped the way people understood issues such as liberty, equality, and individual rights, have worn off. Now the true human nature is being revealed, acutely evident in US politics, and increasingly also in the Western World where the swing toward authoritarian attitudes, in recent elections, indicates that people want easy answers to complicated, and basically insolvable issues. 

Frankly, we have painted ourselves in a corner. 

We have avoided dealing with the giant in the room, Climate Change, now rapidly accelerating, and there is nothing we can do anymore to stop this phenomenon. We just went through a La Nina weather event, always a time when global temperatures decrease. Not this time, an ominous sign. Now we are on the verge of a El Nino event: brace yourself. 


The Arctic is warming at four times the global average, and glaciers across the world are shrinking rapidly. As they melt, together with polar ice, more methane is released, creating a positive feedback loop—where warming melts glaciers, releasing methane, this in turn traps more heat in the atmosphere and accelerates further melting. More Global Heat brings, in the Western World, more air conditioning, resulting in more pollution, and the cycle accelerates. 

Then there are wars.

If all else fails, fight. If anything causes more weather turmoil, it is war. Trump alone, in his arrogance, poses an ultra-danger for the world through his authoritarian edict to abolish all precautionary practises to lessen the elects of Climate Change.

My obsession?

I know, sorry, this has become not quite an obsession with me, but certainly something that occupies my mind almost every day. Trump has ordered that no mention ought to be made of Climate Change. Ignoring it, will only cause more surprises.

Back to total extinction, something we now face.

This past week I read somewhere that when the Parousia, Christ’s Return, happens, all creatures, humans – you, I and all our loved ones – plus all animals, as they too need oxygen continuously, will be, globally, deprived, of that necessary ingredient, and cease to exist within a few minutes. 

Then, no more life, followed by the Great Clean-up.


I am not alone in this. For the last few weeks, ARCTIC NEWS, a website devoted to conditions on both of earth’s extreme top and bottom, the North and South Poles, has started a daily string of news items, devoted to – yes – the end of the world as we have fashioned her. 

I remember the year 2,000 when I was at COP 5, held in The Hague, the Netherlands. I then wrote a weekly column for the Belleville, ON based The Intelligencer. Then already the Inuit – the Arctic based indigenous representation – effectively showed how the temperatures in their home region, were far higher than normal, while just this past week New Orleans on the Gulf of Mexico, had freezing temperatures: something unheard of there.

A possible scenario.

I have tried to imagine how a sudden change in the world’s air chemistry, could happen. Today, we need oxygen in ever greater quantities. I think that ‘hydrogen bombs’ could be the catalyst: their need for oxygen to fully ignite, could well cause both the final conflagration, while sucking in the world’s total oxygen supply.

I translated J. H. Bavinck’s book on Revelation, published under the title: And On and On the Ages Roll. Dr. Bavinck suggests this also. 


Well, it looks like the endgame. With Trump in the saddle, anything can happen. He would rather destroy the world, then admit that he is a loser. Yes, the hydrogen way of war is MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction. In this mad, mad world, the impossible is now possible.

When God caused The Flood and gave Noah the chance to start a new humanity, God vouched never to do this again, fully well knowing that this time WE would do the job.

With a madman in charge, and the rest of the world basically leaderless, with the hope of stopping Climate Change disappearing – in spite of unrealistic, optimistic, talk – the impossible now seems possible.

But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. (2 Peter 3: 10)

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