Dire rhymes with FIRE.                                                    

We may not realize it, but we, in the end, are doing God’s work. Just read on.

In my long life – well into year 97 – I have never seen world conditions as bad as they are now. Everything is in disarray: Political, social, financial, ecclesiastical, environmental, everything, everywhere.  

During 1940-45, when I as a teenager, from age 12-17, experienced the cruel German occupation in the Netherlands, the BBC in their daily broadcasts from London, always ended their Dutch programs with the words, “How dreary the day,” how cheerless the situation, we are one day closer to liberation”.

That hope kept us alive and upbeat, and united the people as never before, immensely sustained by full, uplifting church support and neighborly generosity.  That hope is no longer there.

Dire rhymes with FIRE.

The word ‘dire’ comes from the Latin ‘DIRUS, meaning ‘fearful’. Today one of the laws of Ecology is in direct display: “Everything is connected to everything else.” We see it in full force: Everything is in disarray: Political, social, financial, ecclesiastical, environmental, everything, everywhere. 

Should I mention Trump, whose regime is blind to the signs of the times, denying the obvious ravages of a changing era. If ever the words of Paul: “The love of money is the root of all evil”, apply to a historic moment, it is today, Anno 2025, when the richest of the world have a place of honor at Trump’s inauguration: the Biblical reminder of LOVE has been replaced with GREED, the love of money. The Trump regime will accelerate immensely the coming of the Lord: Thank you, Lord. 

Again: We may not realize it, but we, in the end, are doing God’s work. Just read on.

Jeremiah is one of my favorite prophets. The concept of ‘Jeremiads’ originates from him. He, more than any other prophet connects Creation with punishment. Take Jeremiah 3: 3: “Therefore, theshowers have been withheld, and there has been no latter rain”.

No rain spells fire.

In layperson’s terms, that means “out of control and burning at will”. It’s a common designation for a wildfire – in the wild. But when a fire like this enters an urban area such as Los Angeles County, the most highly populated metropolitan area in the US, it becomes an exploding bomb, and this one has been detonating for a full week.

Here follow some citations from John Vaillant.

“By now, the energy release from this wind-driven, drought-fuelled firestorm turned urban conflagration is into the megatons, and the nuclear-scale destruction is there for all to see: block after block and neighbourhood after neighbourhood levelled – roughly 12,000 structures destroyed or rendered uninhabitable, 55 sq miles of city and mountain burnt, nearly 200,000 residents evacuated – so far. There is more to come.

“The death toll has risen above 25 but, given the hurricane-force winds, the ignescent blizzards of flying embers, the frantic just-the-clothes-on-our backs evacuations, the gridlock, the wholesale terror, and the massive scale of this already historic event, such low fatalities are a kind of miracle.

“So integral has fire become to our daily activities, and to our identities, that we scarcely notice it any more. Almost invisibly now, its superhuman potency enables and amplifies virtually everything we do: cooking our food, heating our homes, powering our energy grids, and driving us – in our teeming billions – through the world at lethal speeds by land, sea and air.

“Due to the colossal scale on which our fire-powered civilisation now operates – including 50,000 seagoing ships, 30,000 jet planes, and nearly 2bn motor vehicles, powered by 100m barrels of oil every day – we have also supercharged the atmosphere.”

A Day of Reckoning coming.

The Bible tells us so.

Genesis 19 relates how God acted through fire: Then God rains sulfur and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah and all the Plain, because of their wickedness. 

Malachi 4: 1: “Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire,” says the Lord Almighty.

2 Peter 3 also is very telling: 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. 

11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives.

We ought to live holy and godly lives, in tune with God’s Holy Creation!

We may not realize it, but we, in the end, are doing God’s work: fire will pave the way for the New Creation! Trump is doing God’s work in a Satanic Way.

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  1. Harry Houtman says:

    Bert, please don’t go down this road of evil enhancing the word of God.

  2. Bert Hielema says:

    Hi Harry,
    Explain your misgivings.


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