July 29 2023

Want to live long? Want to live forever?

The first question is easily answered: Follow the rules listed below.

  • Eat well.
  • Avoid cigarettes.
  • Get a good night’s sleep.
  • Be physically active.
  • Manage stress.
  • Avoid binge drinking.
  • Be free from opioid addiction.
  • Have positive social relationships.

However, to eat well is not easy, because BB-Big Business- conspires to prevent that. Roughly 60 percent of the calories in the average US diet comes from highly processed foods. Eating products such as most breakfast cereals, snack bars, frozen meals and virtually all packaged sweets, (even chocolate? Pecca Fortiter: Sin bravely!), is linked to negative health outcomes, exacerbating diabetes and obesity, and, yes, causing cancer. 

Not only that: They may have a significant impact on our minds: making us dumber. So, the question, ‘how do we eat well?’ is complicated for most, but easy for me.

Why for me? 

So far in the year, I still eat last year’s homegrown potatoes; I still enjoy each week my garden-grown beans and beets and cabbages, preserved in my freezer. I already enjoy fresh lettuce every day. Next week my first tomatoes!

Sure: it’s a bit of work, but it’s outdoors. Sure, weeding is a chore, but it’s exercise. Want to live not only long, but also healthy? Grow your own, which I also did – no, not potatoes – when I lived in the city. And now: grow vertical in your living room!

Avoid tobacco.

I did. In 1961 I had an insurance agency. One of my clients was dying from lung cancer: his only appetite was for tobacco: no food, no drink. I, then and there, quit my ‘pack-a-day’ cigarette addiction and started running, 10k each day. 

We are …..

We are what we eat. We are what we read. We are what we think. We are who we marry. We are our parents and grandparents. We are our genes. We become what we are through our total experiences. The goal in our lives ought to be that, when we die, we have become who we are. That means that we must constantly struggle to know ourselves. 

Retirement is an excellent time for self-examination. Before that we are often lived through the circumstances enforced upon us: money and employment play a deciding factor: what we start out to do may not be what we really want to do or are fit to do. 

Take me.

I came to Canada from the Netherlands in 1951, in my 23d year, never having worked a day in my life: 16 years of schooling and almost 2 years of compulsory military training. 

Then emigrating to Canada was all the rage. The Dutch economy was at a crossroads, as suddenly the automobile/mechanical age had basically altered rural life, eliminating the small-time grocer, butcher, baker, farmer, and, as Geert Mak wrote, “How God disappeared from the Village”, drastically altered employment and life that had endured for generations. 

Having no practical skills of any kind, I was swept up by the craze to try my luck abroad: I started with insurance, added real estate, and, after relocating, became a commercial Real Estate Appraiser. Curiously now, 65-70 years later, comfortably situated, in my dreams I worry how I would ever make enough to support a family. 

We now live in the final stretch of history. A poem comes to mind: 

The Second Coming 


Turning and turning in the widening gyre   

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere   

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst   

Are full of passionate intensity.

Yes, believe me: the Second Coming is a fact, a fact of “faith, which is sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Life stands and falls with faith. Signs of endings abound. I see them where others do not: scores of whales commit suicide. Why? Because their living spaces, their feeding grounds are poisoned. Animals know. Ever wondered what happens to the fauna, the deer, the birds making their habitat in the forests, now increasingly in flames? Or the small fry swimming in waters that are like hot tubs? They know. 

All these creatures too, long for The Second Coming! The book of Jonah ends with God expressing concern for the animals living in Nineveh. Then cities were basically self-sufficient: now they are deathtraps, utterly dependent on supply, often thousands of miles away, causing Climate Change, now unstoppable.

Want to live forever?

Want to live forever, in a perfect world, where our good deeds will follow us? (Revelation 14: 13). Believe in The Second Coming. Believe in Christ’s return who will make this world we live in, perfect.

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July 22 2023


“I hate, I despise your religious festivals;

your assemblies are a stench to me.

Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings,

I will not accept them. (Amos 5: 21-22)

Religion kills.

The 9/11 episode involving the World Trade Center in New York, when 3,000 people died, was religion-motivated, influenced by the Crusades 1,000 years ago, a pure religious war.

The Bible, that collection of books, accumulated over a thousand years, written by a committee that never met, contains an extraordinary consistent and often an intense quarrel with religion, witness the above quote from Amos. Jesus’ slugfest with the scribes and pharisees, calling them hypocrites, blind guides, broods of vipers, (see Matthew 23), is basically a direct assault on religion, now degenerated into dogma and ritual and moral codes. 

Karl Barth, the famous 20th Century theologian, wrote, “The message of the Bible is that God hates religion”. Another prominent Bible teacher, Paul Tillich, wrote in a similar vein: “We call Jesus the Christ not because he brought a new religion, but because he is the end of religion, above religion and irreligion, above Christianity and non-Christianity.”

And then, there is the real clincher: Revelation 21: 22 reports that in the New Creation, which I long for and which soon will come, ‘there is no temple there’. Since our current ‘trial run’ on earth, really is a proving ground for eternity, really is preparation for LIFE to come, in the New Creation, the lack of a temple, a church, synagogue, a mosque, indicates that ‘religion’ of any kind will cease to exist in eternity. This, to me, means that today, Anno 2023, when signs of the END have never been more pronounced, we must be ready for ‘religion-less Christianity.

The last days.

Yes, I repeat: There is no doubt in my mind that today we live in the last stage of the human-dominated world, what Bonhoeffer calls, “A world become of Age.” Also, a world without God. One hallmark of this is that ‘everything becomes what it is’, and religion is no exception.

So, where is religion today?

I just finished reading a Dutch book my brother Drewes sent me, with the engaging title, “Apocalypsofie’. In her 170 pages book, Lisa Doeland, a philosopher at 2 Dutch universities, one in Amsterdam, writes that the task of Philosophy is to learn how to die. In times of ecological catastrophe, we not only must discover how to deal with our mortality, but also how to handle our extinction. In her book she tries to answer how philosophy can teach us how to die.

It struck me that nowhere in this book is there a hint to Christianity. Indeed, ‘a world without God.’ It seems to me that ‘religion’ – and the Netherlands is saturated with it – has become taboo, a force of no consequence, even though, with proportional representation in parliament, there are several ‘Christian’ Political Parties, indicating a lively ‘religious’ segment, often ‘against’ something, not unlike the political situation in the USA.

The start of the Christian ‘religion’.

When Emperor Constantine presides over the first council of Nicea in 325 AD, organized religion replaced Christianity which had gained prominence through house churches and local initiatives. The building of churches, the introduction of professional clergy and religious orders were the direct consequence. ‘Religion’ became secular. 

Now Christianity is a spent force. The world runs totally without God. We live in religion-less times, which calls for ‘religion-less Christianity, a Christianity without religion, but not a Christianity without God. The mystery of God becoming human, is at the heart of religion-less Christianity, thanks to Bonhoeffer’s musings. 

This new Christianity, this religion-less Christianity, comes at the time when the world has come of age. We now discover that we have totally failed to acknowledge that God and creation are one. We now discover that life has its wellspring, its very source in God, and proceeds in turn from this world, this cosmos, back to God. Jesus did not start a new religion. He taught us ‘how to live in this world’, have a full life there. His first miracle was making WINE. 

Wrote Bonhoeffer in his last days before he was martyred, “Our relationship to God is not a ‘religious’ relationship to the highest best being we can conceive of, but rather our relationship to God is that of a new life in being for others, in participation in the being of Jesus.”

Today there are 21,000 forest fires worldwide, a warning that: “The day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. (2 Peter 3: 10).

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July 15 2023.

 WIR KONNTEN NICHTS TUN. (We could do nothing)

On May 13 I wrote that “The next six months will decide the fate of the world”. Now, on July 15, it is perfectly clear that the future looks dark, very dark, ominous, downright perilous. The naked truth is that the physical earth, as we have fashioned it in our likeness, is beyond salvation, while AI is about to destroy ‘the humanity’ in us.

The recent past.

Eight years ago, when the UN Paris Accord was signed, there was a glimmer of hope that a structural change was still possible, but the world ignored the worsening weather-related events, and soldiered on as if nothing was amiss. Then we still had the false hope that the clock was stuck at Five Minutes to Twelve, seduced by the misdirected goal that ‘now is the moment when, if we act, we can avoid the consequences’, but we sat on our fat fannies, and failed to act. In consequence the atmospheric warming is accelerating; the polar icecaps are melting, the glaciers are disappearing, the forest fires are fiercer than ever, and the extinction of all species of animals continue to sadden us, while ecosystems face universal destruction. Today we live in the Apocalypse. António Guterres, the UN secretary, coined it correctly: ‘we are on a highway to hell with our foot still on the accelerator”, while all scientific reports, from whatever source, are being ignored. 

O yes, a lot of good things happen! We now have solar and wind energy; we now have electric cars and bikes; we now have better insulation and recycling, have perma-culture and carbon credits.

But the problems accelerate even faster: plastic micro-pieces poisons sea-life everywhere, even detected in the deepest ocean crevices and the highest Himalaya summits. 

My great-grandchildren.

My 13 grandchildren have grown up, still having been aware of the croaking of frogs, the humming of insects, of life before Covid. My eight great-grandchildren now live in a world where heat hovers, where unpredictable storms threaten, where gentle rains turn to floods and threaten once secure construction, where winds harbor hurricanes, where lack of rain cause crops to fail, where our human societal life more and more mean disasters, diseases, dried-out regions, inhabitable places expanding.

We now live in an era which James Lovelock labeled, “The Revenge of Gaia.”


James Lovelock who died last year on his 101st birthday, was not a Christian, but he did coin a Christian concept: the earth as a living entity. Dr. Douglas John Hall, in his What Christianity is NOT, praises Dr. Lovelock for recognising that ‘the earth is a living reality, not merely a collection of inanimate substances and processes. To see the world as alive leads us to a better way of understanding both the world and ourselves in it.’ 

I have often quoted Bonhoeffer who saw creation as God’s revelation -His WORD – to us, in perfect accord with the Belgic Confession. Just as “Religion’ killed Jesus, so our actions toward the Living Creation, constituting killing Creation is a form of killing God.

A different life is needed. 

We must re-examine our life, from beginning to end. No more automatic partaking in the way of Western life, geared to consumption, geared to waste, geared to immediate satisfaction. Everything we do must be evaluated in light of eternity, where our future lies, eternal life on a new earth which is waiting in the wings. Life must be lived in total awareness of the future that awaits us: the new world, where righteousness dwells, the transition to a society where the lamb lives with the lion. 

Are we helpless? 

When the German people after the war, learned about the Holocaust, in which 6 million Jews were murdered, without a public outcry, they said, “Wir konnten nichts tun”, we could do nothing. Of course, they could do something: they could have prayed, remembering that Jesus was a Jew. Praying for Jews was praying for Jesus, just as praying for Creation is praying for God.

It’s too late to change what happened. Past-history now determines post-history. Post-history means that we must live the New Life that is to come. The excuse that we can’t do anything about the ‘fate of the earth’, was not valid about Jews in 1940-45, and is not valid about the earth today. The first thing we can do is ‘pray’, pray for Christ’ return, and then, the more difficult matter, try, TRY, to live the New Creation Way, live, think, probe, assume, dream, yes, ‘dream!’, how to live sustainably, how to live the full life Jesus wanted us to live. 

Christ did not start a new ‘religion’. Religion, as we have seen, kills. Christ wants us to live, LIVE! And that to the full. (John 10:10)

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July 8 2023


The God thou servest is thine own appetite. (Doctor Faustus)

A deal with the Devil (also called a pact with the Devil, Faustian bargain, or Mephistophelian bargain) is a cultural motif exemplified by the legend of Faust and the figure of Mephistopheles, as well as being elemental to many Christian traditions. According to traditional Christian belief about witchcraft, the pact is between a person and the Devil or another demon, trading a soul for diabolical favours, which vary by the tale, but tend to include youth, knowledge, wealth, fame and power. (Source Wikipedia).

George Monbiot, in his book, HEAT, (My good friend George T. gave it to me) subtitled, “How to stop the PLANET from burning”, knows that the only solution is a new mentality: wishful thinking.

In it, George Monbiot, a columnist with the British the Guardian cites a play, written in 1590, by Christopher Marlowe, “The tragical history of Doctor Faustus”. Marlowe describes how Doctor Faustus draws a circle and summons the Devil’s servant, Mephistopheles, and offers him a deal: if the Devil will grant him twenty-five years in which to live ‘in all voluptuousness’, Faustus will, at the end of that period surrender his soul to hell.

So, the bargain is struck, signed in blood, and Faustus acquires his magical powers.

My immigration to Canada, in1951, my betrothed’s arrival in 1952, our marriage in 1953, and the birth of the first of our five children in 1954, coincided with the world’s most extreme era of our deal with the Devil, now, in 2023, revealing its lethal finale. I have been a willing participant.

Long, long ago….

Of course, our deal with the Devil goes back many millennia, but then, what is time?  Historic time is that short period between the Urzeit and the End-Time. Our lives as humans in the world are but a brief moment: behind us we have the horizon of primeval time and before us the now visible dawn of the end-time, and these two are identical. 

Dominated by the Devil.

The deal with the Devil is an historic event: it happened in history; it took place a few millennia ago, yet it is a supra-historical event because it had consequences for all subsequent centuries, finding its culmination in my life-time, the years we now experience. All of history can only be understood in terms of this one event when we made the deal with the Devil.

Where we are heading?

We can now see where it is heading. George Monbiot, in his book, HEAT, written some 20 years ago, may have outlined some preventive measures to avoid the final HEAT, but we know now that ‘the deal we made with the Devil’, is final, proving again the old adage: The road to Hell is paved with good intentions, or as C.S. Lewis coined it: Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one-the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.” That’s us today, a world ending in God’s judgement.

This reminds me, again, of Bonhoeffer’s acute observation that it is unique to the Christian Faith to see God, the Creator and his creation as unified, just as we identify our great human artists, Bach, Shakespeare, Rembrandt, by their compositions, plays and paintings. 

The Flood then, and today’s final stretch.

God, after the Flood, promised not to repeat that event, knowing full well that this time around we, ourselves, would do the job. Deuteronomy 32: 20 is a striking example of God’s irony: “I will hide my face from them, he said, to see what their end will be; for they are a perverse generation, children who are unfaithful.”

‘Unfaithful’ indicates our deal with the Devil, abolishing, seemingly, God’s indictment, “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food.” (Genesis 3: 19). We, for a while, could bypass that burden, using those buried carbon treasures to make travel easy, to make housework simple, to engage in agriculture in airconditioned luxury, to live in comfort year-round, no matter cold or heat. 

Our life, apart from God, abusing God’s creation, our deal with the Devil, is now turning deadly, is now literally making hell a human invention, a self-inflicted curse.

George Monbiot ends his book on a negative note. “Our campaign against climate change….is a campaign not for abundance but for austerity….. not for freedom, but for less….Strangest of all, it is a campaign not just against other people, but also against ourselves.” 

Contrast this with Jesus’ words, “I have come that we have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10). 

The Bible ends with seas of abundance, “On each side of the river stood the Tree of Life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month” 

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July 1 2023

I am worried.

‘Sinning against creation is sinning against God’. 

An Iowa meteorologist is resigning from his television station because he developed post-traumatic stress disorder after threats over his climate change coverage.  

Jeremiah 26 has a similar story. This great prophet experienced an identical treatment as the weatherman: Jeremiah told the religious elite that their actions carried consequences: Both told the truth, and both received death threats. Here’s the biblical version: But as soon as Jeremiah finished telling all the people everything the Lord had commanded him to say, the priests, the prophets and all the people seized him and said, “You must die! 

I too, tell an unpopular truth. Look at Matthews 24:29 and Acts 2:20: The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.” That is happening now, July 2023, as the ash and smoke of forest fires lethally fills our lungs: with 4 months of burning to go! 

Or is it too late?

In spite of all the evidence to the contrary, humans everywhere believe there is solution to the mess we are in, and, perhaps there is, if we set the clock back 150 years, dismantle the automobile structure, return to local food production, mow the grass with a scythe, milk cows by hand, get light from candles, cook with wood, and heat with woodstoves, all theoretically possible, but practically impossible.

Believe me: We have gone too far. Blame ‘Religion’.

Blame ‘religion’. Too simplistic? No. Today the reigning religion is Gnosticism, evident in our disdain for the earth and everything material, a lifestyle to which we are so devoted that we are blind to the truth, the unpopular truth, so well described throughout the Scriptures: Jesus died to renew creation! The saving of souls only is the old-time religion of Gnosticism. 

The new time religion is captured in John 3: 16: “God so loved the cosmos”, a truth the church has never fully endorsed and implemented. The ‘cosmos’ indicates ‘all of creation’, everything fashioned by God’s hand. Yes, blame the American Religion, Gnostic to the core.


My NIV Study Bible, introducing John’s letters, describes Gnosticism as the most dangerous heresy. It lists these points: 

Body, any matter, is evil; Creation is evil; God is spirit, and thus good.

Salvation is escape from the body to heaven, achieved through special knowledge-gnosis.

Christ’s true humanity is denied.

Yes, Creation is seen as evil.

Since creation is evil, Climate Change is welcomed and encouraged: the sooner the earth vanishes, the better says Hal Lindsey’s in The Late Great Planet Earth: heaven is our destination!

All churches have been affected by this heresy. All churches have spires, pointing to heaven. 

Matthew 24, depicting today, mentions the concept of Abomination: “When you see standing in ‘the holy place’ (pointing to God’s creation/cosmos), the ‘abomination’ that causes desolation – let the reader understand”. It simply points to climatic pollutionThe phrase, ‘let the reader understand’ means that only when it happens, can we grasp the tenor of the text.

That brings me back to that weatherman in Iowa, a very religious state: a very Republican state: They go to church. In the USA church is synonymous with ‘religion’. Harold Bloom, that great American professor of humanities at Yale, and English at New York University, and translator of the Hebrew Bible, wrote The American Religion, with as subtitle, The Emergence of the Post-Christian Nation. His analysis is that American Christianity has ceased to be ‘Christian’, has succumbed to ‘Gnosticism’, affirmed by Bonhoeffer decades earlier. 

Bonhoeffer visited the USA twice. After his second visit he noted that “American Christianity was pragmatic, morally courageous, oriented toward social activism, and individualistic but was also entirely theologically unmoored”. Bonhoeffer found that American theologians placed little emphasis on the fundamental theological questions: the Crucifixion, the resurrection, salvation, grace, and redemption. “There is no theology here,” he wrote in a letter to a friend.

In his essay “Protestantism without Reformation,” Bonhoeffer offered an explanation for this situation. “American and continental Protestantism developed differently. While European Protestantism emerged from a revolt against the established religion, Catholicism, American religious communities were the product of the pre-Reformational English tradition of dissent launched by John Wycliffe, a 14th-century priest who challenged certain church teachings. That was at the time when the Roman Catholic Church reigned supreme. 

What Bonhoeffer presents as specific to the Christian faith is the perception of God and the world as one, which makes me to conclude that ‘Sinning against creation is sinning against God’. 

This means that: “Human salvation and planetary salvation go hand in hand”, and, as we are now experiencing: “Crimes against creation carry their own punishment.”

I am worried. Does this mean the end? Are we ready?

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June 24 2023


From my student days a Greek saying pops up after 75 years: panta rhei, oude menei, which translates as ‘everything (panta), flows (rhei), nothing (oude), menei (remains the same). (The rivers Rhine and Rhone have their root in ‘rhei’.)

The ‘flowing’ in that slogan is not an orderly process: it gnaws at the existing system so carefully coordinated to regularity and order. That ‘gnawing’ is dangerous, because our societal structure is fragile and built on a monoculture: our poisonous petrol dependency. 

Our very present peril lies North, at the Pole. There the loss of Arctic Sea ice albedo, (that white snow-covered top layer, reflecting the sunrays), signals the disappearance of an important heat buffer, exposing the shallow seafloor consisting of methane, trillions of tons. That stuff is 80 x more lethal than our very own CO2. The bubbling up of this gas constitutes a dangerous tipping point, and could abruptly accelerate the temperature rise in the Arctic: yes, the rush is on: and the El Nino has yet to arrive!

Also, the Jet Stream is strongly deformed, threatening to result in heatwaves that extend over the Arctic Ocean and cause hot water from rivers to enter the Arctic Ocean, while storms accelerate the flow of ocean heat there, with forest fires ash and choppy waters contributing to disintegrate the sea ice, speeding up its demise. 

I repeat: The rush is on that threatens to release the methane on the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean. Once that process starts, it will shoot up the world’s temperature: then the rush becomes a crush!

Nature is stronger than any man-made machinery.

One thing is becoming certain beyond a doubt: There is nothing that can withstand the force of nature: no nuclear bomb has this devastating power. Already an endless series of ever more frightening events roll over the world and over people everywhere, preceding the last things.

Preceding the last things. 

The tamed earth, given by God as our own domain, is now rebelling, is now rising up against us, its tormentors. It is as if nature that, for so long, for so many centuries, has faithfully furnished humanity with all its needs, has now become our enemy, and full of fury has thrown itself upon humanity. And this humanity, this so superior human race, with her nuclear energy, her Artificial Intelligence, her mighty medical system, her military prowess, and her entertainment establishment all of which made her feel so immense mighty and strong, these same men and women are now in a total humiliating fashion confronted with the fact that in the final analysis they amount to nothing, that they are a mere rag that is thrown out as useless.

Yes, the signs of ‘change and decay’ are all around us. It even has affected the church in all its manifestations: its pronouncements of certainty themselves are signs of doubt and uncertainty.

The Southern Baptist Church, America’s largest, has reaffirmed that women are not fit for the ministry. The church I grew up in, the Christian Reformed Church, has pronounced that practicing homosexuals are living in sin: Their ruling ‘males’ know exactly what God has commanded, in itself an aberration and sin against God’s majesty.

Ora et Labora, Pray and Work.

This is not a hopeless situation: on the contrary: the current situation contains valuable information: We are being prepared for eternity, where the lessons learned NOW will be applied THEN. 

In that regard I want to pay tribute to Dr. Barry Commoner, who has formulated the four laws of ecology: 

  1. nothing disappears, 
  2. everything is connected to everything else, 
  3. nature is our best guide,
  4. nothing comes free.

These bills are now due, and they are more than humanity can afford: we must pay with our lives: nobody is excepted, not you, not me.

Long ago, the church sent out missionaries with a message containing only a partial truth. 

I made a song reflecting that:

Tune: all creatures that on earth do dwell

Five Hundred Thirty years ago

Columbus left the Spanish shore

He praised the Lord, lauda Deum

He did this ad infinitum.

He and his crew sailed duly west

To India was their unknown quest

When the outlook cried, ‘land ahoy’,

They praised the Lord and danced with joy. 

They took along the perfect crutch

“Nobody’s saved outside the church”.

Set out to tell the natives there,

Their pagan ways lead them nowhere.

(Their pagan ways redeem them!)

They kill the prey only for food

They see in forests only good,

Regard the earth a holy gift

For them it is a spiritual lift.  

We have ignored their keen insight

molested their indigenous right

We should pay homage to their way

Before we totally go astray.

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