July 27 2022
Or should I write: the Four Horsepersons? Or the Four Equestrians? Let me stick with the male denomination, and warn you that they are out there in whatever form.
It is the popular notion that the four horsemen are the most striking symbol of the days preceding the END of the world, which, if the Bible is correct, will come totally unexpected.
We know all that, but we really don’t want to know: life is too comfortable. We also know that Climate Change is unstoppable. We also know that it will lead to our annihilation. We know all that, but we blithely ignore it, even though the Bible repeatedly mentions the End of the World, even tells us to be “Ending-Minded – see Matthew 5:48, where the translation of ‘perfect’ misses the point: the Greek word ‘teleios’ there has ‘telos=end’ as its root.
Actually, when we pray, “Your Kingdom Come,” the so familiar words from the Lord’s Prayer, we pray for ending our present world and ask for the arrival of a renewed cosmos.
So, what do these horse-riders tell us?
The White Horse.
Take the first horse, a white one, with the rider holding a bow and arrow. White is the robe of Pope Francis, illustrating holiness. The explanations for this long-range weapon vary. The professor of Missions, J. H. Bavinck, in his book on Revelation, pictures the rider on the white as the bringer of the Good News, but by different means. As we approach ‘the end’, witnessing becomes difficult – Covid plays a role here – so, this learned Christian foresaw the electronic way as the most effective method to evangelize, and he interpreted ‘the bow and arrow’ as ‘the Internet’, similar to the shooting of an arrow: a hit and miss affair.
Thus, the White Horse is the bringer of the Gospel, which reaches the entire world before the End: Matthew 24: 14 affirms this.
The Red Horse.
The second horseman carries a sword and rides a red horse, the symbol of blood and war. Today wars come in two versions: (1) The war against creation, all destructive, impossible to stop, hinting at 2 Peter 3: 10, “the elements will be destroyed by fire” of which we already have a foretaste, and (2): The hot war in Ukraine, involving most of the Western World, with an increasing risk of nuclear danger.
The Black Horse.
Its rider carries a weigh scale indicating measurements, in this case pointing to poverty and inflation and hunger, as the world withers, as droughts and floods, hurricanes and heat affect our food supply and brings on:
The Pale Horse.
This beast concludes the horse parade, culminating in death, universal death as we have poisoned the seas, the oceans, the air, the soils, so that only total death, a total cleaning can pave the way for complete renewal.
Today the Four Horsemen are universally present. They are:
Climate Change
Covid-19 and other Pandemics
As never before: these four phenomena affect us everywhere, including the war in Ukraine. All four have the potential of total destruction. All four pose a global threat. All four derive their impetus from human action. All four are beyond remedy, as Covid is becoming endemic, followed upon its heels by the monkeypox, followed by whatever, as Climate Change, due to forest fires and disappearing trees, and a warming ocean, now threatens to unleash the methane in the Arctic, 80 times more lethal. Inflation has its base in Climate change as well, with drought decreasing yields. Inflation too, will accelerate: with the world hitting 8 billion people this year, their mouths are ever becoming bigger, and its thirst for what THE WEST has to offer, ever more enticing. Yet, the agricultural base is quickly shrinking due to drought, floods, erosion, growing soil-degradation, which means that famine is guaranteed.
Is there a remedy? Is Escape an option?
Not a very encouraging scenario. When the Flood came, a direct act of God, Noah was promised that such a divine act of revenge would never happen again. Not necessary either: it now is obvious that we are totally capable of causing our own demise. Even if all carbon emission would stop today, Climate Change will gallop unimpeded, due the momentum of stored poison.
ARCTIC NEWS – have a look at its website – tells us that rising temperature in the Arctic has the potential to unleash the trillions of tons of methane with the potential to drive humans extinct as early as 2025.
Is there hope?
Yes. Repent and believe that Christ died for the redemption of all created matter, including us humans. Live the life of permanency now: that is our future.