Last week I left my rural location, midway between Ottawa and Toronto, for the first time this year, and, thanks to my oldest daughter and her husband, who almost every week come to visit for a few days, I was motored to their home in New Hamburg, just west of Kitchener via the 401, to celebrate the 3d birthday of a great-grandson.
What a contrast!! A different world on the way! Endless streams of trucks in both directions made me wonder how we can ever change to a cosmos-enhancing society. Electrify all these highway monsters? Will we ever be able to produce and buy locally, rather than depend on China and ‘just in time production’?
On a cheerful note: on the way we visited their son’s, my grandson’s workshop, in an abandoned abattoir downtown Toronto, where he, an arborist, and his team recycle Toronto’s fallen trees to craft beautifully creative furniture for a new hotel nearby and the University of Toronto.
The car trip there, depressing, the visit uplifting.
Contrast this with times gone past.
Can we ever go back? I was born in 1928, the year before the Great Depression. In the ensuing 9 decades of my life, the world population soared from two billion to close to eight billion. During that time, I have witnessed and been initially an active, and later a reluctant participant in changing my earth from a flourishing planet to one now very close to death. May the Lord forgive me my collaboration in this development: my bouts of depressive feelings originate there.
Where the ‘old times’ better?
I have seen how a sustainable way is possible. I clearly remember my two grandfathers, both born in 1870, both also elders in the same village church, the center of life in those days, where, apart from church activities, the village also hosted an interdenominational brass band, choirs and poetry reading clubs, and thereby bolstered a stable marriage atmosphere, as courting couples knew the ins and outs of their families – and in general people created social bonds far beyond religion.
My grandparents lived sustainable lives, did without electricity, automobiles and radio. One had a mixed farm, the cash income coming from a dozen or so hand-milked cows, while some extra funds were gained from raising chickens whose eggs my other grandfather, a small grocer, exchanged for coffee, tea and sugar.
Hard work and simple lives.
I know, life involved a lot of drudgery work, cleaning out the cow manure, pumping the water, tending the garden, slaughtering the annual pig, daily hauling the milk to the pick-up point, gathering the cereal crops, all by hand: scythe the stalks, bind the sheaves, later haul it all to a central threshing machine: all back-breaking work, yet sustainable. People then knew how to read the weather, depended squarely on the Lord’s blessing and confessed that openly.
In my lifetime all this has changed. You know it; I know it: each of us now has One Hundred energy slaves at our beck and call, allowing us to ….no, I don’t have to spell out what we have done and can do! Neither do I have to repeat that, in my life-time, I and my 500 million fellow Westerners have all but destroyed the earth, to the point where its expiry date can be predicted with a fair degree of accuracy.
The uninhabitable world.
The real depressing prospect is that I have left a black future for my thirteen grandchildren and so far, 7 great grandchildren. There’s where my down-feelings find their focus: the world they grow up in, the world my generation has shaped, the world where my criminal ways are causing this calamity: we basically have made our world uninhabitable.
I have a book with that title, The Uninhabitable Earth, life after Warming, written by David Wallace-Wells. You don’t need any further information than the title which speaks for itself, as the book’s rationale is illustrated every day on TV where we see the droughts, the fires, the floods, the heat, the shrinking arable lands, the widening pandemic, and the inevitable famine that looms.
It’s. been a long time coming.
Already 50 years ago I saw this coming. In 1971-2, as a real estate broker, I entered a Canada-wide contest to write a 5,000 words essay involving an aspect of real estate. I entitled the essay: THE CITY, KEY TO SURVIVAL, An essay on Ecology and Urban Living.
To my surprise my essay was chosen, and published in the November 1972 issue of the Real Estate Institute of Canada Journal. The award included a substantial financial compensation plus a free trip from Toronto to its Vancouver Convention for the presentation.
In my essay I cited the Four Laws of Ecology as a possible new way to regulate city life.
These laws, formulated by Dr. Barry Commoner, I adopted as my rules for life in the city of the future.
These ecological givens are simple:
- Everything is connected to everything else
- There is no free lunch
- Nature knows best.
- Nothing ever disappears.
I used these laws in my essay, of which the final sentence was: The City is the key to the future. Let us hope that the people of the city will find the door – the key is not enough.
When I wrote that sentence my thoughts went to the New City, promised in Revelation, and to Jesus who, in Luke 13: 24 tells us to enter into eternity by “the narrow door.”
Fifty years later.
Back to ‘ecology’, where today, 50 years later, these laws are as relevant as ever.
Take the first law: God has created the universe is such a way that every creature serves every other one. The soil, the air, the water, all serve the flower, who in turn, serves the bee and the butterfly, who both are pollinators for the fruit trees that serve us, while we are the TOP servant. This process is found throughout creation, as everything is connected to everything else.
Law 2.
Nothing comes free. My grandparents knew this. We did not. We have exploited the free air, free soil, free water, and now the bills come due. Also, all the free money our generous governments have created, once it appears on the balance sheet, has to be re-paid. How in the world are we going to restore the earth, the water, soil and air, to their pristine state, with 8 billion people clamoring for more?
Law 3.
We must re-learn the lesson my god-fearing grandparents knew: Nature, creation, dictates its own laws, gleaned from the laws of Moses recorded in the Hebrew Bible. They knew from Psalm 24 that “The earth is the Lord’s and all it contains,” which makes it holy. They practised crop rotating, used manure for fertilizer, gave their cows names and treated them humanely.
Law 4.
Nothing ever disappears.
We are learning that lesson the hard way. Air, water, soil pollution illustrates the obvious fact that nothing ever disappears: we live in a closed system.
Our problems are beyond our capacity to remedy. Our entire existence is at risk, and there is no solution. It’s now up to the Lord Creator to repair what we have destroyed. Jesus did that when, on Calvary, he said: ”It is finished”.
In Real Estate terms we now find ourselves in that curious interim period when the final conditions have been removed, and thus the ‘sale is final’, Jesus paid the price in full, but the possession date has not yet come. That glorious event, the New Creation, is about to come! No time to feel depressed: Only every reason to rejoice!