November 25 2020
LOVE IT, OR …………….
This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.
Matthew 24: 14.
The church is supposed to bring the Gospel. The Gospel? The Good News? What is the Good News today? Do you know?
An even more difficult question: What is the Gospel of the “Kingdom”? More confusion. Ask any minister, ask any church member, and the empty stare provides a clue, signaling uncertainty: “Heaven perhaps?” might be a hesitant answer.
It becomes even more complicated: “Preaching the gospel of the kingdom, as a prelude to ending the world?” What is that? Who will do that? The Church? But the church is dying, and the Pandemic is making sure that the coffin is ready. Is the church still up to this? Will it have a sudden reform, an abrupt mass conversion? A universal metanoia? No, no, it’s not going to happen. It’s too late for that! No, don’t count on the feeble church with its watered-down message, its aging population, its declining attendance, to preach “The Gospel of the Kingdom” in such a way that the entire world will notice it, nobody excepted. Just look at the church in Jesus’ days: it was totally unprepared for his coming then, and today, it is even more unready for his second coming.
But still, the question remains: How will the entire world be confronted with The Gospel of the Kingdom before the total collapse?
Jesus’ hobby horse.
One thing is true: the ‘Coming of the Kingdom’ was Jesus’ hobby horse: he constantly hammered on that concept. All the time. In the prayer he recommended, aptly called, The Lord’s Prayer, almost the entire content is centered on The Kingdom. The very first request in the “Pater Noster”, (the “Our Father”, as the Roman Church has labeled it based on its very first two words), is “Hallowed be Thy Name”.
Oh, that church. I love it; I loathe it. Forgive me my feelings, almost bordering on paranoia, but I suspect that the church on purpose kept the archaic word “Hallowed” in there to obscure its real meaning. It simply means ‘holy’. Any aspect of God is an expression of God’s totality, and thus is holy. When Psalm 33: 9 tells us that “God spoke and it came to be”, this relates to me that, because God made it, creation is HOLY, is His Kingdom. That tree in your front lawn, that forest elsewhere, is holy ground. Also, we, we human beings, reflect God’s image, live in God’s Holy Earth, his Kingdom. That’s why Bonhoeffer believed that “we cannot understand God without the world, and cannot understand the world without God.” But today we’ve screwed up creation so badly, that, in its totality, it has become contaminated, thus ‘unholy’: God’s holy name has become a curse.
This brings me to the second line in that Jesus’ prayer: “Thy Kingdom Come”. We must PRAY for the Kingdom’s speedy arrival, and live accordingly. John 3: 16 is in the Bible for a purpose: it expresses God’s ultimate love for his holy creation and his ultimate sacrifice.
The third line also is Kingdom oriented: “Thy will be done on EARTH as it is in heaven”. Up there, God’s will is done unconditionally, so too it is God’s desire that we preserve earth’s holiness as well. We know all too well that this is not the case, and now has become impossible.
And then there is that fourth item: “Give us this day our daily bread”.
Now, here is a flagrant instance of mistranslation, which the church has maintained, I suspect because its trademark is ‘ignorance’. Yes, the church – just like the pre-Christ Temple church – wants its members to remain immature. Preaching – by and large – is totally ineffective, should be abolished and replaced with group discussion. Here is a typical example of misdirection, centered on the Greek word “Epiousios”, which does not mean ‘daily’. Even Pope Benedict, when he still was Cardinal Ratzinger, tried to change it. He translated it as ‘of extra substance’ or ‘supersubstantial’. Hmm: “Give us today our ‘supersubstantial bread?’ Oxford Professor, Dr. Diarmaid MacCullogh, in his award-winning book, “CHRISTIANITY, the First Three Thousand Years, writes, “If we can assign any meaning to epiousios, it may point to the new time of the coming kingdom………because the kingdom is about to arrive.” Ah, that Kingdom angle again!
We duly, and in total ignorance, spout out “Give us this day our daily bread” and the church each Sunday re-affirms that mistranslation, because it does not dare to talk about THE KINGDOM, Jesus’ Central Message, God’s Holy Creation.
Oh, the church!
It’s such a compromising body! It has distorted the message to read: God so loved humanity, which he does, of course, but only as an important part of the entire creation. Until this day the church, openly or by omission, preaches the basically pagan propaganda of ‘heaven’ as our destination. Jesus, in his mission, embodied the Kingdom. When he returns, he will bring it with him: the perfect earth, something we NOW have to strive for.
If the church were true to its calling, it should always, continually, without letup, unconditionally, preach The Gospel of the Kingdom, but just as the Old Testament Church got stuck in rules and regulations, the Post-Christian Church wallows in ignorance. Bonhoeffer was entirely correct when he wrote: “God has granted American Christianity no Reformation. He has given it strong revivalist preachers, churchmen and theologians, but no Reformation of the church of Jesus Christ by the Word of God.” This is all too evident in its massive support for Trump.
So, then, how will Matthew 24: 14 come true? How will there be a universal proclamation of the KINGDOM?
Well, it’s happening right now, before our very eyes!
Look at the context! Look at the next text, Matthew 24: 15: “So when you see in the holy place – creation! – the abomination that causes desolation (let the reader understand): flee!!! Get out!! The caution, “let the reader understand”, means that only when this ‘abomination’, universal pollution, Climate Change, takes place, can this warning be understood, especially in COVID time. Flee? Get out? It’s too late for that: that’s why His coming is imminent! Today this text, the proclamation of “The Gospel of the Kingdom” is now happening. It is God’s judgement on us.
Oh, there are lots of precedents.
Remember the Flood? Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? Conversion there had become impossible. So, God destroyed them. Remember how 10 of the 12 of Israel’s tribes disappeared without a trace? They succumbed to total evil, and God wiped them out. God promised not to do that again. Now WE are the perpetrators. But: God’s JUSTICE will prevail.
The signs of the KINGDOM are two-fold: Love and Judgement. God so loved the world by offering his Son to restore it. Our failure to follow that example results in destruction, total destruction, and the ironic part is that we ourselves are the agents, the instigators. So, it is not surprising that Hebrew 11: 30 tells us that: “It is mine to avenge, I will repay, and again, “The Lord will judge his people.”
To avoid this, we must be “Born again”.
Jesus, in John 3: 3 said to Nicodemus, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” In this discourse, Jesus makes two statements that, by and large, have been overlooked by the church. (1) in John 3:13 Jesus said: “Nobody has ever gone to heaven”, and (2) in verse 16 Jesus claims that he would give his own life to restore God’s creation, his Kingdom, renew the earth upon which we live and move and have our being.
The entire GOSPEL centers on The Kingdom. Jesus, in his famous Sermon on The Mount, unambiguously states that (Matthew 6: 33): “Seek first God’s Kingdom and God’s righteousness”, God’s laws for Creation. Either LOVE it – seek its wellbeing – or face God’s wrath. The choice is that stark.