We hear weather announcements in every newscast, always preceded by a commercial. Nothing new in that. Frankly we are bombarded with news trivia, while the real news, something that will lead to a global catastrophe is rarely mentioned, because it will upset “The Consumer”.

So, yes, the weather!

My farmer-grandfather (1870-1940) had no access to weather forecasts: he relied on his innate experiences, his fine-tuned historic knowledge, and prayer. Yes, prayer, because my ancestors knew that in the end, we propose, God disposes.

Today is different: very different. The meteorological messages, which forewarn us of rain, sleet, snow, frost, sunshine, sometimes inaccurate, usually quite astute, come before our eyes or penetrate into our ears, in the form of a low pressure here or through the aftermath of a high pressure there. These may well be the rational explanations. What former generations read in the sky, in watching the sun, observing the wind direction and in the behavior of birds and other animals, has now been replaced with the latest in computer power. But why we have more weather extremes, is seldom mentioned.

The truth about the weather.

Public messages don’t want to broadcast the truth. Public companies can’t afford the truth. Advertisers hide the truth. And we? We too, hate to be faced with the truth, because it shakes our complacency, and makes us uncomfortable. 

The Truth with Capital T, is that the weather is not brought by company such or corporation that, but it is brought to us by you and me: we are the bringers of the excessive rain that causes extreme floods; we are the culprits when drought hits the grain-growing fields, and causes inflation, and famine in Africa and South East Asia; we are to blame when hurricanes hit the coastal areas, and tornadoes demolish the trailer parks, and rip the roofs of churches and schools. We now make the weather, and consequently disasters multiply.

 The Fortunate Few.

So far, we have been able to pay the extra in food dollars, as we spend only 10% of our income on basic necessities. We also can still afford to pay the ever-rising insurance premiums, and mortgage rates. After all, we have the political clout to influence the government officials to rebuild, until the deficits become too large, and the economy collapses, as it will before too long.

Then what?

Will AI tell us what to do, how to handle the weather extremes, how to live when virtual money shows its true face? Artificial Intelligence is well-named: it is nothing but computer-power magnified. It can only work with information already available, as it steals facts and figures wherever they float out there. AI is like a gigantic-prehistoric bird, with a brain too big for its own good.

In other words, there is nothing new under the sun, except there is: a new extreme of evil is at work here. The core of the problem – fossil fuel emissions – is well known and largely uncontested in the scientific community. We, humans, we are altering the climate by burning gas, oil, coal and trees. We started by denying that a climate emergency is happening, and that humans are the root cause. Now we are beginning to realize that our worldview or lifestyle will have to change, so we downplay the scale of the crisis, by putting all your faith in technological fixes. Jesus had a valid observation there: “can we rely on the devil to throw out the devil?” (Mark 3: 23). Will technology cure technology?

The side effects.

Already we see mental depression increasing as it becomes plain that we are overwhelmed by the extent of the crisis and realize that governments and corporations are not only spinning their wheels but often actively exacerbate the damage.  

Fossil fuels aren’t the only source of carbon dioxide. The mega fires that have charred Canada, Europe and Chile last year are set to repeat themselves in an exponential fashion, adding even more CO2 into the atmosphere. Yet even there, the vicious cycle of human-caused climate change is easy to see: Many of those fires were made worse because of the warming that has already occurred.

The year ahead.

In one word: accelerating HEAT. It will speed up the arrival of super hurricanes, as the oceans have never been warmer. Heat will make forests more vulnerable, delivering a double whammy: less trees to absorb CO2, and more Green House Gases to speed up warming. I need not be a prophet to predict this to happen: just as smoking and alcohol addiction leads to premature death, so our addiction to car use and modern ‘conveniences’, leads to planetary death. Sudden release of Methane in the Arctic – see ARCTIC NEWS – will make true 2 Peter 3: “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.”

Yes, the weather is us!

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I admit it: I go to church each Sunday morning, done that since I was 4 years old, when I lived in the Netherlands’ most northerly City, Groningen, a university town since 1614, now with some 30,000 students. 

In the church there, in my fourth year I met my future wife, the daughter of the minister. I distinctly remember this! Yes, churches also have a beautiful social function! 

In my 9 decades of church attendance, I have heard thousands of sermons. I do recall preachers pounding the pulpit to emphasize a point, but sermons? I can recall one, at a funeral: Psalm 116: God delights in the death of his faithful. 

A better way

As a teenager I faithfully attended the Young Men society. We met after the evening service, where we, in turn, presented an essay on a Christianity-related topic: that taught me more than the ministers’ 40 minutes orations. 

After arriving in Canada in 1951, I soon integrated within the rapidly growing Dutch diaspora. I became active in establishing Christian Schools on a local and provincial level, advancing the matter of Christian education in line with the Netherlands, where Christian Schools were state-financed. 

In 1965 I became an elder in a large church. That was a move that backfired: a clash of personalities.

I struggle.

Sermons and Creation. What is God’s Word?

I am a fervent believer that Creation is God’s Primary and Direct Word: “God spoke and it came to be”, says Psalm 33:9. There also is that beautiful opening line of John 1: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” That Word was not the Bible: that Word was Creation. 

Dr. Sabine Dramm, in her book introducing Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s theology, summarized his thinking in one line: “Specific to the Christian Faith is the perception of God and the world as one.”  Makes sense: that’s how we honor great artists and thinkers.

Enter Stefan Paas.

Dr. Paas, professor of Missions at the Free University in Amsterdam, in his remarkable book, VREDE OP AARDE (PEACE ON EARTH), states that God’s saving acts relate to everything: body, soul, spirit, but also our entire vulnerable creation. In other words: there’s more to being a Christian than pure piety.

Piety?  I confess, I am a pious person. I pray before meals. I read the Bible every day. I write a 500 words meditation, on the lectionary every morning after breakfast – have done this for 30 odd years. 

But piety and searching the Scriptures is not enough. Being a Christian primarily includes observing the holiness of creation, loving God and neighbor in whatever form, myself, my fellow humans, all God’s creatures, great and small: they too are our neighbours! 


We have assumed that in a finite world, infinite growth is possible. That sort of automatic behavior has led to a situation where we no longer are in control: now the system controls us. Yet, God is telling us that Creation is holy. Exploiting it means expunging God. Church attendance – long travel, large parking lots, huge spaces to heat or cool – cause Climatic Heating. Now the church itself has become a mission field, needs a radical change, fully embracing a holy creation.

And sermons?

Where does the concept of sermon originate? Did Jesus initiate it? No. He always encouraged dialogue. Did the apostles promote this sort of monologue? No. What, actually, is the real meaning of the word “sermon”? It comes from the Latin word, Sermo. My Latin dictionary defines it as ‘conversation, serious discussion’. Augustine, a well-known early preacher, in his preserved sermons, encouraged constant interactions, applause, cries of approval and objections, and an intermingling with the audience. 

Which begs the question: What is the purpose of the church TODAY? What is the purpose of Christianity at this late hour? What is mission?

Stefan Paas in his book writes, and I translate, “Mission is no longer an obvious spreading of Western civilization or the salvation of souls from a doomed creation, it is far more a fervent longing for the coming of the Kingdom of God at ‘the end of times’, in the true confidence that everything done in the name of the Lord somehow will find a place in that Kingdom”.

Those words have serious implications for the church which, before sending out workers or supporting ‘foreign’ missions, needs to evaluate its own thinking and reorient its own conception of the gospel. An excursion into a forest, under the guidance of a biologist, a ‘nature film’, is as important as an explanation of a bible passage, and, perhaps more relevant than a monological sermon. At the least, a sermon ought to be a dialogue, a ‘give and take’ conversation.

The contemporary ‘religious’ church is dying. Jesus himself pointed the WAY: (John 10:10), “I have come that you may have LIFE and that to the full”.  Religion and church do not save: Full-time Life in Jesus and his creation does.

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Everything in our Western world is fake. Nothing is real. It’s different elsewhere. My wife and I spent some time in Malawi, one of the poorest countries in the world. Some 30 years ago, our youngest son worked there for 2 years as a lawyer, representing the Canadian Presbyterian Church, helping its transition to democracy. 

There I met genuine people sharing the little they had with others, nothing fake about it. They reminded me of my grandparents, born in 1870, some 155 years ago, when they lived simple lives, fulfilling lives, pleasing to God and his creation.

Now everything in our world is fake: nothing is real. Take my car. When I bought it new – a 2002 Jetta diesel – it was advertised by the Volkswagen designers as the most climate friendly automobile: least polluting, highest mileage. Since then, this claim has proved to be false. 

Actually, what is true for my car is true for all cars, even the total electric ones: all the world’s billion plus ‘auto’ = self – ‘mobiles’ = moving, vehicles, harm God’s creation, to the point where ‘global heating’ increases unabated. Yes, even the word automobile = ‘Self-moving’, is fake:  There is nothing ‘self-moving’ about them: trillions of tiny explosions propel them, causing global poisoning and drought, affecting especially poor nations like Malawi.

Today all machine-operated apparatuses, without any exceptions, in the final analysis are harmful and destroy, and thus – yes – are sinful. SINFUL!. 

That really means that things in this world are really not what they are in the final analysis. Everything in our world is fake, carries a mask, is disguised; everything is different than it is advertised. All the political pledges to reduce climate change, are bogus, false, lies, fraud. Why? Once again, we find ourselves enacting a tragedy of the commons: short-term economic self-interest encourages using ‘free’ air, until it heats up beyond human endurance. We experience it daily. Everywhere. Just as the air, even the immense oceans covering most of our globe, have become liabilities, impure, toxic, a source of evil.

The same applies to A.I. content where we maximize clicks and views, which in turn pollutes our culture and even weakens our grasp on reality. Yes, yes, yes.


We find all this in that mysterious Bible Book, Revelation. Revelation means Revealing. Revelation means ripping off all veneer! Revelation means going naked, shedding all pretensions. 

In the book of Revelation, that very Last Bible Book, the name so familiar, the message so obscure, John paints the progress of the grand happenings of OUR time, today, 2024. 

There he starts with the premise that, at last, matters will become what they are, that masks will be torn off. In its very last chapter of Revelation, he sounds the alarm bell: “Let those who do wrong can only keep on doing wrong, and those who do right must continue to do so, and let those who are holy continue to be holy”. That means that the time for going back to simpler times, is over, that it’s too late to make amends. Still, I persist in trying: My holy duty! 

Why try? 

Because, out of all the chaos and collapse at long last the truth emerges, when all camouflage vanishes and everything, at last, shows its true character. That is the melody that vibrates through the entire book of Revelation and makes it so engaging and vibrating.

The Good News!

Yes, there is good news: “Our good deeds”, says Revelation 14: 13, “will follow us”. What we do today in preserving God’s creation, in providing meals for the destitute, in loving others as ourselves, in doing everything in our power to live God-honoring, creation-enhancing, neighbor loving, acts: all these will follow us into the new world to come.

Still evil expands: everywhere.

Now the universal use of social media products – every kid now has a mobile phone – designed for compulsive use, are rewiring the way children think, behave, and learn, harming the wellbeing of students, and leaving educators and schools to manage the fallout. Here again: under the cloak of education, the minds of young people are enslaved to social media.

The Western World, in its entirety is again engaged in a Civic war conflict: our Industrialized World versus Creation, or more correctly: The West against God, in spite of some pious postulations. COP 1 through 28, 28 years in succession, have only seen climatic conditions worsen: all our pledges and promises are false and lies. 

On this EASTER weekend, we celebrate Christ conquering death forever, bringing the TRUTH and making everything NEW.

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Years, no, decades ago, in the late fifties and early sixties of the previous century, when our family lived in St. Catharines, Ontario, there was an air of spiritual renewal hanging under the skies in what was called, The Garden City. People there, a good core, adhered to the slogan, then well understood, Ecclesia Reformata, Semper Reformanda, now needing translation: The Reformed Church, Always Reforming. There were these ICS conferences, attended by enthusiastic crowds of young people. ICS standing for Institute for Christian Studies. 

In 1965 I was the chairman of a 5 days Youth Conference there, where 3,000 Christian Reformed Young People from all over North America met – centering on Niagara Falls – filling a large arena there repeatedly. Their gathering slogan was Alive for Christ in ’65.

I was then 60 years younger. These participants too are now gray and dying off. Their children and grandchildren? Where are they? Not in the church, not at young people societies!

I now believe that the church has failed them. Instead of ‘Semper Reformanda’ it remained ‘Nunquam Reformanda’, never reforming.

How have times changed! Churches are graying.

But now there is a glimmering of HOPE!

Peace – Shalom – On Earth.

Remember that Christmas song, the song the angels choir introduced to us when Christ was born? Luke 2: 14, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people on whom his favor rests.

Well, there is a new book published, in the Netherlands, with this title: Peace On Earth. This book, some 400 pages, was written by Stefan Paas, a professor of Missions, occupying the J. H. Bavinck chair of Mission at the Free University in Amsterdam. 

This timely and ground-breaking book has sent a shockwave through the Protestant Churches in the Netherlands, as it questions the entire approach of the church there, still based on ‘soul salvation’ at the expense of the earth. Since its publication in September 2023, it has gone through 3 more printings, suggesting the impact the book is having in the post-Christian world of my birth, by questioning the dominating pietistic approach to Christianity centering on religious soul experiences, with the emphasis on heaven as the goal. 

As a professor of religion, teaching students how to be ‘missionaries’, Dr. Paas writes that “the traditional ‘redemption dogma’, the teaching of salvation, now plays a ‘damaging’ role, because it quite easily leads to the subjecting and dominating of nature.” 

He also writes, and I translate again “That sort of teaching of salvation places itself constantly over against or above creation instead of uniting itself with the earth”. 

Somewhat later he continues, “Nevertheless, it is for many modern people who no longer have the same ties to the earth as their ancestors had, difficult to develop an approach to salvation, that enables them to feel at home in creation and establish connections with their fellow-creatures (pointing to the non-human entities)”. 

Dr. Paas continues: “I want to show that the way to experience God, is through meeting with other living beings and through a close unity with the earth. That concretely means that we must go out into nature with binoculars and illustrated books to identify trees and plants, and so develop an awareness where our foodstuff originates, and how we can prayerfully engage with the soil, enlarge our knowledge concerning creation, stop to admire a flower, even the so common dandelion. We also should more often view nature films, and read more about ecology. We must learn to value the slow pace of nature, and exercise patience by observing and listening to God’s handiwork. We must learn to mourn when gigantic trees are felled and when birds and insects and fish experience mass die-offs.”

All of us are now part of this new mortality mode. 

I conclude from this book that: The increasing threat to all living creation today dramatically indicates that all creatures, including us, are imperiled, no exception, as the cancers in the British Royalty indicate.

“Everything becomes what it is!”

This book by Stefan Paas, so well-written and persuasive, shows that ‘peace’ or ‘shalom’ can be realized. We must thank the author to expose the errancy of our ways. His loving and timely critique regarding the church and our Western ways of death and Christian practises, emphasizes God’s ultimate care for his creation and thus fills us with hope and greater understanding of the prospect what awaits us in the renewed creation to come.


Is this the long-awaited church reformation? Yes. The basic message of the last Bible Book, Revelation, is that, in the end, everything becomes what it is. Dr. Paas has shown in his book, “SHALOM ON EARTH, that salvation is totally comprehensive, involving ALL created matter.

Thank you Stefan Paas.

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Concordia parvae res crescent, Discordia maximae dilabuntur.

A Latin phrase, meaning: “As concord makes small things grow, discord brings the greatest to ruin”.

Jesus twice echoed this very truth: “Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall”. (Luke 11: 17). And again: “If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand”. (Mark 3: 25).

The above quotes perfectly apply to the USA, to the nation as a whole. The division in that great country, just south of where I live, resembles the years 1861-65, that war about slaverythat came at the cost of 625,000 lives – the bloodiest war the US waged, ever.

A lack of soul-searching

The USA has never had a Truth and Reconciliation Commission that in Canada brought the conflict between the aboriginal people and the new immigrants into the open and opted for solutions. The same procedure was followed between Canada’s French and English population, so that today Canada is at peace and united.  The painful task of such soul-searching in the US, probing into the root cause of the war between the North and the South – between the country and the city – has never been attempted and so the old wound became a Cancer that has become metastatic, spreading from where it originated as a one-issue conflict, to all parts of the National Body. It has become like a soured marriage, exactly as Euripides coined it 2,500 years ago: “stronger than lovers love is lovers hate incurable in each the wounds they make”. Yes, incurable!

From a beacon of light to unquenchable hatred.

Ronald Reagan called the USA a country on the hill, a beacon of light, an example for other nations to follow. That was perhaps true at the time: No longer!

Here I rely on my intuition, a matter of projecting the past into the future combining history, trends and human nature, basing my thoughts on my gut feelings. I strongly sense how the economic, environmental and spiritual decline, world-wide, is gathering speed, and plays an important role in the unreasonable attraction America’s ‘Christian’ segment has for a devilish man with definite dictatorial designs. 

Let’s call a spade a spade: we have to face reality: the planetary crisis is deepening; the situation is dire and will only get worse. Only a universal ‘metanoia’, that beautiful Greek word that designates a radical shift in attitude, can avert total annihilation. The traditional model of unlimited economic growth, driven by avarice, jealousy, and domination, leads to doom, because as 1 John 5: 19 tells us“the whole world is under the control of the evil one”. Just look how Donald Trump and his loyal legionnaires speak and act.

2024: a crucial year.

The next 30 plus weeks are among the most consequential in the life of the USA, if not the world. Mr. Trump was a clear danger in 2016; he’s a mortal threat now. The former president is more vengeful, more bitter and more unstable than he was, which is saying something. There would be fewer guardrails and more true believers in a second Trump term. He’s already shown he’ll overturn an election, support a violent insurrection and even allow his vice president to be hanged. There’s nothing he won’t do. It’s up to the rest of the US to keep him from doing it.

American leadership is failing: That is the argument of an eccentric new book that since January has stood near the top of France’s best-seller lists. It is called “La Défaite de l’Occident”: “The Defeat of the West”. Its author, Emmanuel Todd, is a celebrated historian and anthropologist.

Mr. Todd calculates that the United States produces fewer engineers than Russia does, not just per capita but in absolute numbers. It is experiencing an “internal brain-drain,” as its young people drift from demanding, high-skill, high-value-added occupations to law, finance and various occupations that merely transfer value around the economy and in some cases may even destroy it, witness the opioid crisis, mainly affecting the young.

America has always been a world-leader. Twice it rescued Europe from its foolish wars, 1914-18, 1939-45. Then, through its generous Marshall Plan, it helped devastated Europe to recover. Now the opposite is true: its divided status imperils the entire Western world: no longer are there national principles, only partisan ones, with each side convinced that the other is trying not just to run the government but also to capture the state.

Look at religion.

According to one study, three-fourths of American Christians agree that “God wants us to prosper financially.” At the expense of creation, I should add. This false religion, this individualism, is at the root of its crisis. “A nation divided, and a world in peril”. The USA is a (false) religion-soaked nation, suffering from a severe spiritual crisis. It’s in deep trouble, everywhere, a situation that will adversely affect the entire world.

Pray for Christ’s Return.

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There is a new book out: The survival of the Riches. I read a review of it in Civis Mundi, a highbrow Dutch monthly magazine, a free electronic periodical of Social Philosophy and Culture, which my brother Drewes in the Hague faithfully sends me.

Before the author, Dr. Douglas Rushkoff, a professor in New York City, dealt with “The Rich”, he, 10 years ago, wrote the Present Shock: When Everything Happens Now, a non-fiction work. 

That book caught the attention of a certain segment of society, and earned him an invitation to speak at a conference, which came with special privileges: first-class airfare, a chauffeured limousine, a remuneration that equaled one-third of his professorial pay, staying in a super deluxe resort somewhere in the desert. 

In PresenShock, Rushkoff describes our Western predicament, a state of anxiety in which we try to keep up with the ever-increasing speed and immediacy of time, because our temporal pressures are so great and our confidence in our own ability to solve the world’s problems so weak that apocalyptic finality has an unshakable appeal. 

This ‘end-time’ state of mind, makes Rushkoff write that, rather than focusing on building a better future, society is primarily concerned with building a worthwhile present, and failing on that score. 

Actually, he says that there no longer is a future: the future is here!

An unusual request.

Rushkoff’s extravagant trip, accommodation and renumeration were not the only surprises: when he was ushered in to the auditorium there was not the customary overflowing audience but only five (5) persons, all super rich, none of them interested in his prepared speech.

They had invited him because they feared for their future: their wealth had given them everything they could wish for, yachts, private planes, trophy wives, except life without death.So, these 5 multi-billionaires had a few questions:  how to escape the consequences of what they themselves had caused to happen: the coming collapse of society. These unnamed men also wanted to discuss such pressing questions as how to maintain authority over their private security, after that dreaded “event”. 

By the way: Don’t ever think that the ultra-rich are a balanced lot. The richer people are, the more insecure they feel: Can they really depend on their ‘hired men’? Maybe the guards could wear some sort of disciplinary collars? Better yet, what about using robots as guards? Are friends, real friends? Do their wives really love them? 

But especially they wonder about their own mortality. They all knew about Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, also a billionaire, who died at the age of 65. He also had all the toys, including a luxury yacht, but he died anyway. Is death really inevitable?

These were the questions Dr. Rushkoff faced. Would there be a cure for death? They saw ‘death’ as the greatest evil, the scourge of humanity, a moral scandal. These superrich were outraged over their own mortality, regarded it as a personal affront. Yes, they saw DEATH as the ultimate enemy, now that death lurks everywhere.

Take the Arctic. 

The danger there will sooner than later affects us all. Arctic News reports that the ICE is disappearing! Without the buffer constituted by thicker sea ice, an influx of ocean heat threatens to destabilize hydrates contained in sediments at the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean, resulting in eruptions of huge amounts of methane, a gas 100 times more deadly than our very own tail-pipe variety. 

Then, too, there is the growing nuclear threat. There too we are beset with universal elimination. Is there a cure? Can we escape death? Can we bypass both global and personal death?

The rich are different.

More terrifying than a Hollywood-derived nightmare is their naive and profoundly antisocial response: They’d rather build their bunkers than work to avert the apocalypse. Rushkoff describes their attitude as a “faith-based Silicon Valley certainty that they can develop a technology that will somehow break the laws of physics, economics, and morality to offer them something even better than a way of saving the world: a means of escape from the apocalypse of their own making.”

No wonder: Many people now seem fixated on stockpiling enough resources to protect themselves from the rest of the world.


The world is scared. It sees dangers everywhere. GOLD is soaring, as if possession of it will assure survival. I remember from the war 1940-45 golden wedding rings were offered in payment for a loaf of bread, and refused. Only Christ can offer eternal life: as Paul writes in 1Corinthians 15: 26, The last enemy to be destroyed is death. Christ came to bring us LIFE, and that to the full, (John 10:10), life without super-yachts and private aircrafts and trophy wives, but having all of God’s Holy Creation as our inheritance, the Tree of Life, bearing twelve crops of fruit every month! 

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