Earth we are. The Creator fashioned us from the earth. By “earth” I mean the planet’s very superficial soil covering, that shallow layer of earth on which we live, and on whose health and wellbeing and original composition we depend for our continuation. 

That very same earth is no longer earth as such, because its biological composition has been altered: a gram of that plain dirt no longer contains the millions of microbes necessary to function as earth: where the earth goes, so do we, and the PANDEMIC is just one sign.

The earth also exists because the biosphere exists; and the biosphere is intimately linked to something the Russians discover to be the biotic pump. As I understand it, the biotic pump is the creational mechanism that makes the breathing of the earth possible. It accomplishes an exchange between the Amazon Rain Forest Mass and the Siberian-Canadian North Boreal Forests, with their immense variety of specimen, breathing and inhaling the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle, and generating generous rainfall everywhere. That process stops when we slash these tree masses, producing atmospheric rivers and lakes, instead.


Dr. Barry Commoner was a celebrated professor of biology whom I call a modern-day prophet, because he coined the four laws of ecology some 50 years ago, rules for life necessary to LIVE. 

I place these laws at par with Scripture, for the simple reason that these laws have stood the test of times, and affirm what also is found in the Gospels.

They are:

(1) Everything is connected to everything else; 

(2) Creation knows best; 

(3) Nothing ever disappears; 

(4) There is no free lunch. 

Sometimes it is easier to remember important issues when they are put into song.

Here’s my musical version of these laws, based on the familiar melody of, “All people that on earth do dwell, SING”.

(Everything is connected)
All people that on earth do dwell,
sing to the Lord, his ways foretell.
Remember earth, air, sea and tree
Are all a part of you and me.

(Creation knows best)

Creation knows the ways to go
God bred it in its natural know,

We therefore must inquire of her
To see where we go right or err.

(Nothing disappears)
Nothing will ever disappear
It lingers on, it is now clear
The oil we burn creates much ill
And causes universal kill.       

(No free lunch)

There is no free lunch to be had
The bills are due: they will be bad
Our children must pay this great debt
We robbed them of their safety net.

We robbed them, left them in the lurch

No wonder they have left the church
We wasted, stole, their future need
Please Lord, forgive us our great greed.


Isaiah 62: 4, tells us that “The land will be married.” 

The usual explanation is that Christ and the church are united in marriage, but Revelation clearly states that in the New Creation there is no altar, no church, no Bible, no human marriage either. Here’s what Revelation 21 says: “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.  And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.  He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

This to me suggest that there will be One Last Marriage, “the marriage between the ‘earth’, the ‘land,’ and the human race”: God’s Holy Creation will be intimately united with: “the chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God.” (1 Peter 2: 9). 

Belonging to God really means that we are one with the earth, the ideal situation where we truly live with and in the Holy Land, united in an eternal union with the holy people of God. Genesis 3: 19 really tells me that we are ‘earth and to earth we shall return”, united in marriage as the Holy Nation.

THE VERY LAST MARRIAGE is the perfect union between God’s Holy Creation and the Holy Nation, automatically observing the Laws of Ecology.

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