That’s the headline on ARCTIC NEWS, September 11 2024: Have a look. That such a headline can appear on a website maintained by top Arctic scientists, is, in itself, deeply troubling, because it states that most life on Earth will disappear with a 5°C rise, possibly next year! 

It also tells me that I and you and the rest of the human race, will likely go extinct with a 3°C rise.  We are, by some counts, already beyond 2°C. 

What have we done to come to this point?

When God caused the flood, ‘regretting’ creating humans, he said that this would be a unique act, not to be repeated – fully well knowing that next time we would destroy the earth. 

If ARCTIC NEWS is correct, we, the Western world, North America, Europe, Australia, Japan, about one billion people, will have caused the death of the other  seven billion human beings – and many animals beside – all innocent victims of the extravagance of our affluent minority.

If there is a just God – and there is – do you really think that we will get away with this abnormality in the end, causing the ‘telos’ to come? It simply is an act of righteous justice that this will happen. 

It seems to that we are going full circle. Genesis 1: 2, The very first words in the bible, shows the word ‘chaos’, translated as ‘empty’. That’s how it was ‘in the beginning’ and that’s what we have accomplished over the eons: emptiness. Now the world is full of our toys and gadgets, full of mechanical means, but empty of what was: large animals, fertile, clean soil. Instead, the air is saturated with hurricane-breeding ingredients, seas depleted of their natural creatures, the earth rapidly devoid of large wild animals.

We have gone full circle. 

Our holy earth is crying: enough, enough.

We have gone full circle: In the beginning there was ‘chaos’, ‘emptiness’, in the end there is ‘chaos’, ‘emptiness’. In Greek, ‘chaos’, a singular noun, means chasm or void. It designates the emptiness that came before the beginning of time in both Hellenic and monotheistic creation stories.

“And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.”— Genesis 1:2

Everything becomes what it is. The beginning is the end. Chaos was, and to chaos we return.

Again, yes again, because we live in Matthew 24 times, I will quote it again. The Bible today is more relevant than ever! That chapter emphasizes that we cannot predict “The Day and the Hour” (Matthew 24: 36) of God’s justified wrath, but it does stipulate that an approximation of the time of THE event to come, is possible. ARCTIC NEWS does that.

“So, when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ (Global Heating, storms, fires) spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand – be prepared. (Matthew 24: 15).

The little aside – ‘let the reader understand’ – means that only when these disasters happen, can we recognize the events. That ‘desolation’ is happening now: Daily we read about them, especially this year!

Chaos everywhere.

Chaos not only happens in ‘nature’, as the Arctic News asserts: it also happens in politics. The debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris was an instance of chaos versus reason. Come November and Trump losing the election, political chaos will descend on the United States of America, already more Disunited than any other great power. 

Chaos, aptly enough, is an unruly word with a volatile history. In modern English, there is something violent and unpredictable embedded in its very spelling and pronunciation: just sound it out! KAY-OS, Could the election be a single chaos among many?

Then again, maybe whatever is about to happen in American politics is just the latest symptom of a larger disorder. Last December, The New Yorker asked “what to call our chaotic era?” Here’s a quote:

“Some have argued that the aggregate events of recent years call for a new label that we can apply to our chaotic historical moment, a term that we can use when we want to evoke the panicky incoherence of our lives of late.”

Yes, agreed: This is the Age of Chaos! This is the Age of uncertainty. This is  the Age of instability, of which the weather is but one facet. “Will I find faith on earth, when I return?” wondered Jesus, and the emptiness of churches tragically confirms this query.

ARCTIC NEWS (September 11) concludes:

Potential causes for such a rapid temperature rise include a cataclysmic alignment of the temperature peak of the next El Niño coinciding with a peak in sunspots expected to occur in July 2025. 

So: Rejoice! Maranatha, the Lord will come back to bring THE NEW CREATION.

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